Monday, November 19, 2012

Boa Constrictor


Animal You | Boa Constrictor | The Boa constrictor is a large snake, although small in comparison to other large snakes such as the reticulated python and the Burmese python, and can reach a length of 3 to 13 feet (0.91 to 4, 0 m) depending on location and the availability of suitable prey. It is clear sexual dimorphism seen in the species, females are generally larger in length and width than males. As such, the average size of a mature female boa is between 7-10 feet (2.1 to 3.0 m), while it is 6-8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m) for males. A report of a Boa constrictor growing up to 18.5 feet (5.6 m) was later found to be a misidentified green anaconda.The Boa constrictor is a snake body thick and large specimens can weigh up to 27 kg (60 lb). The size and weight of a subspecies Boa constrictor depends on the local availability of suitable prey. Several populations of Boa constrictors are known as "dwarf boas", since the population of B. c. imperator Hog Island. B. c. constrictor itself reaches, and sometimes above the averages above, because it is one of the relatively large boa subspecies.

Other examples of sexual dimorphism in the species include the fact that men generally have longer tails to contain the hemipenes and also longer pelvic spurs, which are used to grip and stimulate the female during mating. Pelvic spurs are the only external sign of the rudimentary back legs and pelvis, seen in all boas and pythons. The coloration of Boas can vary greatly depending on the locality.  Boa constrictor has an arrow-shaped head that has very distinctive stripes. Boas also have two lungs, a smaller (non-functional) left and enlarged (functional) right lung to better fit their elongated shape, unlike many colubrid snakes which have completely lost the left lung. Boa constrictor flourishes in a wide variety of environmental conditions, rainforests to arid semi-desert country.

Boa constrictor will also occupy the burrows of medium-sized mammals, where it can hide from potential predators boas are ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young. Generally breed in the dry season, between April and August-and are polygynous, thus males may mate with several females. In 2010, a boa constrictor has been shown to have reproduced asexually by parthenogenesis. During the breeding season the female boa emits a scent of her cloaca to attract males, which can then fight for the right to reproduce. During the breeding season, the male tail curling around the female and hemipenes (or male reproductive organs) are inserted.

The gestation period is counted from the delivery after ovulation is 100-120 days. The female gives birth to young that average (15-20 cm 38-51 cm) long. The litter size varies between females, but can be between 10 and younger, with a mean age of 25 65, although some young people may be born dead or unfertilized eggs known as "slugs". Boa constrictors are very popular in the exotic pet trade, and both were captured in the wild and captive bred. Today most captive Boas are bred in captivity, but between 1977 and 1983, 113,000 live Boas were imported into the United States. These huge numbers of wild caught snakes have put considerable pressure on some wild populations. After the reticulated python snake Boas are most commonly killed for snakeskin products, such as shoes, bags and other items of clothing.
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Sunday, November 18, 2012



Animal You | Camel | The average life expectancy of a camel is 40 to 50 years. Camels can run at speeds up to 65 km / h (40 mph) in small groups and support speeds up to 40 km / h (25 mph).See camels coupling Not directly store water in their humps of camels, as once commonly believed. This process of fat metabolism generates a net loss of water through respiration for the oxygen required to convert the fat. Camels are able to withstand changes in the consumption of body temperature and water kills more animals than others. Is a characteristic nostrils large amounts of water vapor is trapped in fume and returned bodily fluids, thereby reducing the amount of water lost through respiration.Camels can withstand the weight loss of at least 20-25% due to sweating (most mammals can only withstand 15% dehydration before circulatory failure leading to heart disease).

Camels eating green grass can ingest sufficient moisture in milder conditions to maintain their body hydrated state without the need to drink. Thick coat camel isolate the intense heat emitted by the desert sand. A camel mowed the sweat 50% more to avoid overheating. Camels have been known to swim. Boca camels are very durable, able to chew thorny desert plants. The kidneys and intestines of a camel are very efficient at retaining water. The camel urine appears as a thick syrup, and camel saddles are so dry, can fuel fires. In all mammals, and the antibody-like molecules consist of two heavy chains (or length) along the Y length of the chain, and two light (or short) at each end of the chains of Y. Camels also have antibody molecules that have only two heavy chains, a feature that makes them smaller and more durable. The camel called Protylopus first note, lived in North America from 40 to 50 million years (Eocene).

After ten million years, the environment in North America began to change significantly, causing a number of camels specialized ancestors, such as Aepycamelus long neck and fast performance, light Stenomylus. A 3 million years, the direct ancestor of all modern camels evolved Procamelus. There is a large enough genetic drift, these camels in Asia and South America can still be artificially crossed. The last camel native to North America was Camelops hesternus disappeared with horses, cave bears, mammoths and mastodons, lions, saber-toothed cats and cave large animals most of the continent, which coincides with the migration of humans in Asia.

Camel milk is a staple food of desert nomad tribes and is considered a whole food, nomads requiring nothing but camel milk for up to six months. Camel milk is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and immunoglobulins. Bedouins believe that the curative powers of camel milk are enhanced if the camel's diet consists of certain desert plants. Camel milk can be easily converted into a yogurt drink, but did not, as the milk solids less than cow's milk or goat's milk. Camel milk cream can be separated and made into butter or cheese but the yields are low compared to buffalo or cow, due to the low fat content.Camel milk can not be made into butter by the traditional method of agitation. Until recently, camel milk could not be processed into cheese rennet camel, because he was able to coagulate the milk proteins to allow the collection of curds. The sale of camel cheese is limited due to the departure of the small dairy currently producing camel cheese and the absence of camel cheese in most camel cultures. Camel milk ice became a camel farm in the Netherlands 

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Bald Eagle


Animal You | Bald Eagle | The plumage of adult Bald Eagle is evenly brown with a white head and tail. The tail is moderately long, slightly wedge-shaped. The legs are feather-free, and the toes are short and powerful with large talons. Immature Bald Eagle Golden Eagle in that the former has a protruding head with great distinction beak, wings held straight flat (not slightly raised) and with rigid wings and feathers that cover the legs completely. The bald eagle is from time to time. That the largest raptor truth (accipitrid) in North America, the largest California condor is a New World vulture But the eagle in his career in the United States, largely overlapping body weight and size of the bald eagle. In addition, close relatives of the bald eagle, wings shorter but wider white-tailed eagles and Steller's sea eagle, rarely vagrate coast from Alaska to Asia

Females are about 25 percent more than men, on average, 5.8 kg (13 lb) and against men "average weight of 4.1 kg (9.0 lb). Smaller samples are Florida, where adult men as little as 2.3 kg (5.1 lb) and a wingspan of 1.68 m weighs (5.5 feet)., the largest eagle in Alaska, where large females weigh up to 7.5 kg (17 lb) and a length of 2.44 m (8.0 ft.) through the wings. The bald eagle habitats strip near coasts, rivers, large lakes, oceans and other large bodies of open water with abundant fish. Studies preference for waters with a circumference of more than 11 kilometers have shown (7 miles), and lakes with an area of over 10 square kilometers (4 square miles) are optimal for breeding bald eagles. The Bald Eagle requires mature and mature coniferous or deciduous trees for perching, roosting and nesting.

The Bald Eagle is extremely sensitive to human activity, and is more common in areas free of human disturbance. Choose sites over 1.2 km (0.75 miles) in the low-density human disturbance and more than 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) of medium to high density human disturbance Sometimes bald eagles s " venture into large estuaries or secluded olive groves in large cities, as Hardtack Iceland on the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon, and John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Despite this sensitivity, pulled a family of bald eagles in Harlem, New York in 2010.

The natural range of the bald eagle covers most of North America, including most of Canada. Throughout the continental United States and northern Mexico is the only native North American Eagle. Bald eagles also congregate in certain locations in winter. From November to February, 1-2000 birds winter in Squamish, British Columbia, about halfway between Vancouver and Whistler. The bald eagle is a powerful boat, and takes to thermal convection. The Bald Eagle selects migration routes which take advantage of thermal updrafts, and food resources.

Migration generally takes place during the day, when bald eagles are sexually mature thermal Sun produce four or five years. It is thought that Bald Eagles mate for life. Bald Eagle Court involves complex calls and flight displays. The nest is the largest of any North American bird, is repeatedly used for many years and with new material added each year may eventually become large as 4 meters (13 feet) deep, 2 5 m (8.2 feet) in diameter and weighs 1 ton (1.1 short tons) was found by a nest in Florida (20 feet) to 6.1 meters deep, 2.9 m will be (9.5 feet) in diameter and weigh 3 short tons (2.7 t). This nest is on record as the largest tree nest ever known of all animals. The nest is on branches, usually built in large trees near water. When breeding where there are no trees, the Bald Eagle nests in the ground. Eggs (2.9 inches) long, on average about 73 mm and a width of 55 mm (2.2 inches). The average lifespan of Bald Eagles in the wild is about 20 years, the oldest confirmed age 28. As with size, the average lifespan of an eagle appears people are influenced by its location. 

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Black Widow Spider


Animal You | Black Widow Spider | Not all adults have black widows, the red hourglass on the bottom or top of a pair of ventral abdominal some red spots or have no marking at all. Black widows are often several red marks on the back or upper abdomen, usually two red spots. Adult male black widows are half the females and are often gray or brown instead of black and red, even though it may sometimes an hourglass marking on the ventral part, it is usually yellow or white, not red targeted variation of the type and the sex is great, a spider with a red hourglass or a pair of large round red spots on the abdomen waist with a contrast glossy black body, an adult female black widow.

Spiders of the genus Steatoda (also Theridiidae family) are often confused with the widow, and are known as "false widow" are much less harmful to humans. The spider hanging upside down often near the center of its web and waits for insects and jam odd. Then, before the insect can not escape the spider rushes to bite and wrap it in silk. The lower abdomen many other widows model on a red light or dark black background, which serve as a warning.

In North America, the Black Widow is commonly known as southern (Latrodectus mactans), western (Latrodectus Hesperus) and northern (Latrodectus variolus) in the United States as "gray" or "black widow" (Latrodectus geometricus) and "red widow" ( Latrodectus bishopi). African species of this kind are also known as button spider.
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African Wild Dog


Animal You | African Wild Dog | The packages are divided into male and female hierarchies. In the female group, the oldest will have alpha status over the others, so a mother will retain her alpha status over her daughters and sisters. Independent wild dogs are sometimes in groups, but this is usually temporary. In contrast, the wild dogs outside attempts to purchase packages occasionally hostile. The African wild dog hunting in packs and small groups. Schaller found that 9 of 10 wild dogs hunting in the Serengeti ended in deaths. Members of a pack vocalize to help coordinate their movements. Wild dogs frequently kill larger prey via disemboweling, a technique that is fast, but has caused this species has a negative reputation, ferocious. After a successful hunt, hunters regurgitate meat for those who remained in the study during the hunt as dominant female dogs, sick or injured, i. Old and sick, and those who remained to protect the puppies

Main prey, wild dogs varies among populations but always centers around medium and large ungulates such as impala, Thomson's Gazelle, Springbok, kudu, reedbuck, wildebeest and calves. In the Selous Game Reserve, the most frequent prey is impala. While most of their diet consists of prey mammal, sometimes hunting birds of large dimensions, in particular owls. Other predators such as lions, sometimes steal the prey capture wild dogs. Some packages also include large animals among their prey like zebras, pigs and humans. To hunt larger prey, wild dogs use a closely coordinated attack, beginning with a quick charge panic the herd. Wild male dogs usually perform the task of grabbing the boar nose. Studies show that this tactic of hunting large animals can be a learned behavior, passed on from generation to generation within specific hunting packs, rather than an instinctive behavior.

In the Serengeti, the average density of dog (before local extinction of species) was a dog for every 208 km ² (80 square miles), while in the Selous Game Reserve the average density was a dog every 25 square kilometers (9 , 7 square meters MI). There were once approximately 500,000 African Wild Dogs in 39 countries, and packs of 100 or more were not uncommon. The smaller the population, but safe, apparently several hundred people in Zimbabwe (Hwange National Park), South Africa (Kruger National Park), and the complex Ruaha / Rungwa / Kisigo Tanzania.

The African wild dog is endangered by human overpopulation, habitat loss and predator control killing. Uses very large territories (so can persist only in large protected areas), and is strongly influenced by competition with larger carnivores that rely on the same prey base, particularly the lion and spotted hyena. While adult wild dogs usually exceed the larger predators such as lions often kill many wild dogs and puppies chew site that can, but do not eat them. One by one the hyena is much more powerful than the wild dog, but a large group of wild dogs can get away a couple of hyenas for the team.

Most African national parks are too small for a pack of wild dogs, and the expansion packs for protected areas, which tend to be ranch or farm land. Breeders and farmers protect their domestic animals by killing the wild dogs. Like other carnivores, the African wild dog is sometimes affected by outbreaks of viral diseases such as rabies and distemper and parvovirus. Although these diseases are not more pathogenic or virulent for wild dogs, the small size of most wild dog populations makes them at risk of local extinction due to illness or other problems.
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Atlantic Puffin


Animal You | Atlantic Puffin | The puffin is 26-29 cm (10-11 inches) in length (cm Bill 3-4), with a 47-63 cm (19-25 inches) wingspan, men tend to be slightly larger than females but color the same. This bird is mainly black above and white below, with gray to white cheeks and red-orange legs. The Bill Bright Orange signature dishes to grow before the breeding season and after playing. The bills are used in courtship rituals, as the pair tapping their bills together. The horned puffin (Fratercula corniculata) North Pacific is very similar, but slightly different headdresses. The Puffin is typically silent at sea, except for soft sounds sometimes fused in flight. In breeding colonies, the most common request is a trisyllabic KAA-AAR-aar, while birds make a short beep when you're scared

When hunting puffins may collect several small fish such as herring, sprats and sand eels, zooplankton, crustaceans and molluscs. The species can be competition from other burrow nesting animals such as rabbits, shearwaters and sometimes, razorbills. Male puffins perform most of the dredging or cleaning the nesting area, which is sometimes filled with plants, feathers or seaweed. The incubation period is usually of puffins in the summer, eggs laid in June and July. Synchronous spawning is in Atlantic Puffins in adjacent caves. Declining populations latest due to predation by gulls may increase and skuas, used the introduction of rats, cats, dogs and foxes nesting islands for toxic waste pollution, drowning in fishing nets , diminishing food supplies, and climate change.

Furthermore, the number of puffins increased significantly in the twentieth century in the North Sea and the Isle of May and the Farne Islands. In fiscal 2006, approximately 68,000 breeding pairs in the Isle of May were counted. However, Iceland has many times as many breeding pairs with the Puffin is valued the most populated island of birds, about 5 million pairs. Reintroduction projects on several islands, including one on the coast of Maine titled Project Puffin taken, which have pushed off a few locals Puffin. From the puffin overwinters in the open sea, is vulnerable to human impacts such as oil spills. Oil spills may also have indirect effects. Puffins and other pelagic birds are excellent bioindicators of the environment because they are the marine food chain near the top. Since the main food source for Atlantic Puffins is fish, there is great potential to accumulate heavy metals from the environment.

To determine the effects on pelagic birds such as puffins, with quantifiable measures. From the puffin receives most of its food by immersion, it is important. In a study published in 2005, it was observed that Atlantic Puffins were associated with areas of well-mixed water below the surface. This study implies consequences for the species if global warming leads to an alteration of tidal cycles. If these cycles are modified too, is likely to have difficult times puffin positioning food resources. SOS Puffin is a conservation project of the Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick is based, to save the puffins on islands in the Firth of Forth. Puffin numbers on the island of Craigleith, once one of the largest colonies of Scotland, with 28,000 pairs, only a few thousand invaded by a large tree neophytes Mallow, Lavatera arborea, who took over the island and crashed prevented 'Puffins access to caves and breeding.  

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Friday, November 16, 2012

American Alligator


Animal You | American Alligator | An alligator can be up to 30 to 50 years. In adult males American alligator, medium length 3.4 m (11 feet), while females smaller the average is 2.6 m (8.5 feet). There are reports in the 19th century and 20 great men reach 5-6 meters (16-20 feet). Adult males can weigh about 227 kg (500 lb), while females weigh about 91 kg (200 lb). Wild alligators ranging from long and thin, short and stout, probably due to variations in factors such as nutrition, growth and climate. Alligators have broad snout, especially in captive individuals. When the jaws are closed, covers the edge of the upper jaw, the lower teeth in the jaws form "wells. Adults Alligators are oil Backbones, brown, gray or may be black, while the belly is cream colored.

Unlike most other terrestrial vertebrates raise alligators. Alligators have the strongest bite in the laboratory of a living animal, measured up to 9452 Newton (2125 lbf) in laboratory conditions. Some alligators lack inhibited gene for melanin, which makes them albino. These alligators are extremely rare and almost impossible to find in nature. Alligators are found primarily in the southeastern United States, from Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina, south of Everglades National Park in Florida and west to southern Texas. Alligators live in swamps, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Females and young are also found in Carolina bays and other seasonal wetlands. While prefer freshwater, saltwater crocodiles, sometimes more.

A study of alligators in North Central Florida found that people preferred the open sea water in the spring, while females used water areas and wetlands and open. Plains, including the Everglades, through the construction of small ponds known as "alligator holes" These creating wetland habitats dryer or other organisms, such as plants, fish, invertabrates, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Alligators can. Alligators are less sensitive to cold than American alligators. Unlike the crocodile immediately succumb to cold and drown in water of 45 ° F (7.2 ° C), an alligator survive at such temperatures for some time without any sign of discomfort. It is believed that this adjustment of why American alligators spread farther north than the American Crocodile.

When water begins to freeze, alligators poke the muzzle, even if the surface, breathing through the ice sheets. Although alligators have no vocal cords, males below high to attract mates and warn other males during this time drawing air into the lungs and breathing deeply intermittent shades of roars. Alligators males are also known to use infrasound during their mating behavior. The nest of a female vegetation, sticks, leaves and mud building in a safe place or near water. having their eggs egg whites 20-50, set the size of a goose, copper them with more vegetation, which helps as it decomposes, which warms the eggs warm. This differs from Nile crocodiles, which lay their eggs in pits.The temperature, alligator eggs develop to determine their sex

Nests female dams become hotter and thus produce male nests while the cooler wet females funds. The guys are small replicas of adult alligators with a series of yellow bands around the body that serve as camouflage. Young alligators eat small fish, frogs, crustaceans and insects. They are also preyed upon by large fish, birds, alligators and adults Raccon. Mother alligators are finally more aggressive to their young, which promotes dissipate. Alligators young growing 8.3 (7.6 20 cm) of a year, and reach adulthood to 6 feet (1.8 m)
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African Elephant


Animal You | African Elephant | The African elephant is the largest living animal on Earth. African elephant trunk ends in two opposing lips, ending during the Asian elephant trunk with a simple border. Bush African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. The largest recorded specimen was four meters (13.1 feet) at the shoulder and weighs 10 tonnes (10 long tons, 11 tons). Elephants have four molars, each measuring a weight of about 5 kg (11 lb) and 30 cm (12 inches) long. Elephants replace their teeth six times. The teeth with a weight of 23-45 kg (51-99 lbs) and 1.5 to 2.4 meters (5-8 feet) long. Unlike Asian elephants, both male and female African elephants have tusks. The enamel plates of the molars are fewer in number than in Asian elephants

African elephant society is arranged around family units. If the family joints groups separate form clans or bond. After puberty, male elephants tend to form alliances with other males. Elephants use sounds that are beyond the threshold of human perception, communication over long distances. Looting significantly reduced the population of Loxodonta in certain regions during the 20th Century. In the ten years prior to the international ban on the ivory trade in 1990, the African elephant population was halved from 1.3 million to about 600,000. The African elephant nominally has governmental protection, but poaching for the ivory trade can devastate populations.

Protection of African elephants has become high in many countries. In 1989, the Kenya Wildlife Service burnt a stockpile of tusks in protest against the ivory trade. Some states allow sport hunting of elephants. An important issue in elephant conservation intervene conflicts between elephants and a growing human population is human or natural areas near where occur Bush Elephant has recent research into methods of security led groups driving away elephants of humans, including the discovery that playback of the recorded sounds applied very effectively to encourage bees to an area elephants escape. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Elephant Specialist Group of Africa has forced a group of human elephant conflict to start to study the conservation of species, which has the potential to affect human populations.  The intent is to protect elephant populations in West Africa, provides an international framework for range state governments, scientists and groups 

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Thursday, November 15, 2012



Animal You | Lobster | Lobsters are invertebrates with a hard protective exoskeleton. Like most arthropods, lobsters must molt to grow, making them vulnerable. The antenna head brings lobster antennae, jaws, the first and second jaws, and maxillipeds first, second and third. Because lobsters live in the sea a dark background, which mostly use the antennae as sensors. The lobster eye has a reflective structure on convex retina. Lobster hepatopancreas possess green, called tomalley chefs, which functions as animal liver and pancreas. Lobsters Family Nephropidae are similar in general form of a series of related groups.

Research suggests that lobsters can not delay, weaken, or lose fertility with age, and old lobster can be more fertile than younger lobsters. Lobster longevity allows them to reach impressive dimensions. According to Guinness World Records, the largest lobster ever caught was in Nova Scotia, Canada, and weighed 20.15 kg (44.4 lb). Lobsters are found in all oceans. Lobsters are omnivores and typically eat live prey such as fish, molluscs, crustaceans, worms, and some plant life. Although lobster skin has been found in the stomach of lobster, it's because lobsters eat their shed skin after molting.

In general, lobsters are 25-50 cm (10-20 inches) long, and move slowly walk on the ocean floor. Parasites of the genus Symbion, the only member of the phylum Cycliophora live exclusively on lobster gills and mouthparts. Several species of Symbion were found in three commercially important lobsters from the Atlantic Ocean north norvegicus lobster, Homarus americanus and Homarus gammarus. Recipes Lobster Newberg and Lobster Thermidor. Lobster is used in soup, bisque, lobster rolls and Cappon Magro. The lobster meat may be dipped in clarified butter, resulting in a sweet taste.

Cooks boil or steam live lobsters. Lobsters are caught with bait traps with a mark, so cages logo color. Lobster and "caught in the waters between 1 and 500 fathoms (900 m 2), although some live lobsters to 2,000 fathoms (3,700 m). Around 2000, due to overfishing and high demand, lobster aquaculture expanded. In 2008, lobster aquaculture has not been a commercial success, mainly due to the fact that lobsters eat each other ( cannibalism) and the slow growth of the species, these two problems, it is difficult lobster aquaculture profitable.
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Bull Shark


Animal You | Bull Shark | The bull shark is generally warm global coastal waters, rivers and lakes, rivers and salt and fresh water from time to time, if they are deep enough. Populations of bull sharks are also several major rivers, with more than 500 bull sharks probably live in the Brisbane River. A large bull shark was caught in the canals of Scarborough, two hours north of the Gold Coast. The shark has traveled 4,000 kilometers (2,500 miles) from the Amazon to Iquitos, Peru. The bull shark is generally fertile in the warm waters and coastal estuaries of the Mozambique Channel and south, including KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique.

After Hurricane Katrina, many bull sharks were spotted in Lake Pontchartrain. Bull sharks sometimes spent the Mississippi River in Alton, Illinois. The bull shark is the best of 43 species of elasmobranch in ten genera and four families have been reported in freshwater. Some breeds (Rajidae), smooth dogfish (Triakidae) and gray reef sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) regularly enter estuaries.

This leads to a large flow of water through the gills osmosis and loss of body sodium and shark chloride. however, freshwater bull sharks in possession of several organs, which are suitable for the conservation of the balance of salt and water, rectal gland, kidney, liver and gills. elasmobranch rectal gland Any of the excretion of excess salt works living in sea water accumulated. freshwater bull sharks reduced the sodium chloride urinary rectal gland activity retained.

At first, scientists thought the sharks in Lake Nicaragua belonged to an endemic species, the Lake Nicaragua shark (Carcharhinus nicaraguensis). A bull shark feeding consists mainly of bony fish and sharks as the bull shark, on the other hand, but also turtles, birds, dolphins, terrestrial mammals, crustaceans, echinoderms and races. Bull sharks have been known to use the technique of strikes and bites its prey. Bull sharks are usually solitary hunters, but sometimes hunt in pairs. Often cruise the shallow waters.

One or more bull sharks may be responsible for shark attacks Jersey Shore in 1916, which is the source of inspiration for Peter Benchley Shark new. Speculation bull sharks can charge on the basis of a series of attacks that occur in fresh and brackish water, and there are similarities in bite marks between bull and great white sharks. The bull shark is responsible for attacks across the entrance to Sydney Harbour. Most of these attacks were previously attributed to great white shark. In India, the bull shark attacked swim along the corridor and people. Many of these attacks were the Ganges shark, Glyphis gangeticus, a species endangered river shark shark probably the only one in India, claimed to be able to survive in fresh water, although the gray nurse shark was also accused in the sixties and seventies. Bull sharks mate in late summer and early autumn, often in the brackish water of river mouths. After 12 months of pregnancy, a bull shark give birth to young 10:04.
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Animal You | Aardvark | aardvark is vaguely pig-like. Average length of the branches. Each foot is a large nail strong, slightly flattened and shovel-shaped form, and can be seen between foot and shoe. Dependence of long ears and tail are thick at the base and gradually sharpened. the smell is a good reason to support the aardvark is a long, thin, like a snake, protruding tongue and elaborate structures form. The weight of an aardvark is typically 40 to 65 kg (88 and 140 pounds). Aardvark color coat and sometimes pale yellow-brown to red-brown earth. aardvark animal is thin and the protection of their tough skin. aardvark found in the bedroom of a recently excavated ant. and protection against predators Aardvark adult dental formula is simply to cut the jaw ago Living fossils genetically aardvark chromosomes that are preserved in early eutherian arrangement before the divergence of the major categories that reflect the modern spoken

aardvark and ants and termites night (formicivore) aardvarks aardvark cucumber fruits that can be provided almost exclusively on a single creature. Concentration of ants or termites aardvark digs into the store with his madness kept upright to listen for predators, recognized by its front legs, and many of the 50,000 that night, his long sticky tongue is made by a number amazing insects. If successful, the aardvark long (about 30 centimeters (12 inches)) insects insects "ants biting or stinging attack tongue licking hard in vain to conceal. Predators severe hearing, lions, leopards, hyenas and pythons warns. In addition to digging ants and termites, the aardvark live in the excavation, as temporary places of refuge ageyuttade scattered throughout the range, the house and a main building used for breeding. aardvark burrow design changes regularly at home, and what passes through, and a new, small animals that lived in the former, as ageyuttade African wild dog. Only mothers and young share burrows.

Aardvarks live up to 24 years in prison. The main predators of aardvark, lions, leopards, wild dogs and pythons. In some African tribes hunting for meat, aardvark. Aardvark African folk like ants food and a soldier are the most diligent search has been praised for its response to Fear. Hausa magicians heart, skin, face and nails of the aardvark, they will continue to be a tree root throws Pound eruption. The head of an aardvark or part of the aardvarkVillain (Grin Cyril) and leader of the animated television series 1980 (Cedric smile) Raccoons were aardvarks. The main character, Arthur, is an animated television series for children appears WGBH produced more than 180 countries, with an aardvark.The Ant and the Aardvark 1969-1971 comic Jackie Mason is a simulation of the main characters, blue aardvark as expressed by John Byner, as is. Aardvark Cerebus comic (written and illustrated by Dave Sim) is an aardvark with his characters (a "pig born of the earth") form. 

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