Wednesday, January 30, 2013



Animal You | Koala | The word comes from the koala Dharuk Gula. The scientific name of the koala's genus, Phascolarctos, is derived from Greek phaskolos "bag" and Arktos "bear". Although the koala is not a bear, English-speaking settlers of the late 18th century first called koala, due to its similarity with teddy bears. Other descriptive English names based on "bear" have included monkey bear, native bear, and tree bear Typical and New South Wales koala weights of 12 kg (26 pounds) for males and 8.5 kg (19 pounds) for females. In tropical and subtropical Queensland, but the koala is smaller (about 6.5 kg (14 lb) for an average male and just over 5 kg (11 lb) with an average female), a lighter color often quite scruffy gray, and has shorter, thinner layer. In Queensland, the koala is not considered the subspecies P. adustus cinereus, and the intermediate forms in New South Wales as P. cinereus cinereus. Koalas may also have white fur in rare cases due to a recessive gene.

The origins of the koala are unclear, although almost certainly descended from terrestrial wombat-like animals. Koala fossils are very rare, but some are found in northern Australia dating back 20 million years. The koala does not specialize in a diet of eucalyptus until the climate cooled and eucalypt forests grew in the place of rainforests. The fossil record indicates that before 50,000 years ago, large koalas regions inhabited southern Australia. The koala fills the same ecological role as the sloths of South America. The koala is very similar in appearance to the wombat (the side of family life), but has a thicker coat, much larger ears, and longer limbs. The koala has large, sharp claws to assist with climbing tree trunks. Weight varies from about 14 kg (31 lbs) for a large southern male, to about 5 kg (11 pounds) for a small northern female. The five fingers include two opposable thumbs koala, a power grip. The koala is one of the few mammals (other than primates) that fingerprints.

The dental formula for koalas is The male koala, like many marsupials, has a bifurcated penis. The brain of the ancestors of modern koala once filled the whole cranial cavity, but the species has declined dramatically, a degeneration scientists suspect is an adaptation to a diet low in calories. When under stress, koalas may produce a loud cry, which is presented as similar to that of a human child. A healthy female koala can produce one young each year for about 12 years. The twins are very rare, the first confirmed identical twin koalas, named "EUCA" and "Lyptus", were born at the University of Queensland, in April 1999. A baby koala is called Joey and he is bald, blind and deaf. The koala lives almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves. Dealing with koalas, stress, and the problem of aggression and stress from handling is a political problem in Australia

Koalas spend about three of the five mealtimes. Feeding time occurs, but usually at night. Koalas eat an average of 500 g (18 oz) of eucalyptus leaves every day, with powerful jaws chewing until a very fine paste before swallowing. The koala eats leaves a wide variety of eucalyptus, and sometimes even some species of eucalyptus are not as Acacia, Leptospermum and Melaleuca. There are many factors that determine which of the 680 species of eucalyptus trees the koala eats. Among the preferred species of trees, however, the most important factor which determines koala choose individual trees, is the concentration of a group of toxins known as phenolics formylated phloroglucinol. Research on koalas by fans at 13 parks and zoos in New South Wales shows that the favorite band of eucalyptus leaves was low in condensed tannins.

The Government of Australia is giving the koala as a priority species for conservation assessment. Government estimates of the national population numbers of koalas in the hundreds of thousands, although other studies have estimated a minimum of 80,000 koalas in the wild. The Australian Koala Foundation in 2008 is estimated at around 100,000 koalas in the wild. Like most native animals of Australia, the koala, legally, they can not be kept as pets in Australia or elsewhere. The only people who are permitted to keep koalas are wildlife carers and, occasionally, to researchers. There is a serious decline in the population of koalas in the wild in 2012. This is due to the current large-scale destruction of housing and urban development bush another, with consequent loss of koala habitat, dog attacks and a large increase in traffic, but also diseases and climate change. This is caused by a large number of dead koalas in nature, leading to the koalas are listed by the Federal Government of Australia as endangered species. In August 2012, the koala is also described as an endangered species.

2011 Queensland research show that the symptoms of Chlamydia in at least 50 percent of the population koalas. Chlamydia in koalas is not the same as the human form, but can lead to blindness, respiratory infections all koala koala and female infertility. Moreover, almost all koala koala koala in Queensland infected with retrovirus that suppress the immune system and interferes with the ability to fight against chlamydia. The koala requires large tracts of forest healthy, connected and long distances along tree corridors in search of new territories and friends. The long-term viability of the koala threatened both by genetic factors weaknessThe Australian Koala Foundation is the leading organization dedicated to the preservation of the koala and its habitat, mapping 40,000 km2 (15,000 square miles) of land for koala habitat and maintaining strong evidence that wild koala populations are in serious decline natural range of the species. "Municipalities in the growth of urban areas with koala populations that have established or are in the process of creating overlapping planning and controls to preserve habitat for koalas are Councils of the City of Victoria Ballarat, Macedon Ranges Shire Basin Authority Glenelg Hopkins management as well as the advice of Queensland Moreton Bay Regional Council and Redland Shire Council. Although the species is spread over a wide area, only parts of koala habitat remain.  

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sand Tiger Shark


Animal You | Sand Tiger Shark | The eyes of the sand tiger shark are small caps, lost, one of the many functions of the shark. The sand tiger shark swim mostly with open mouth showing three rows high. Smooth edges and sharp teeth Adult sharks tend to be scattered red-brown spots all over the body. Minor sand tiger sharks have yellow-brown spots on his body. The sand tiger shark has a gray back and white belly. Males have claspers gray. The sand tiger length in average transit time of 1.9 to 1.95 m (6.2 to 6.4 feet) in men and 2.2 m (7.2 ft) in women, with the latter sex the larger body. Large adult specimens can reach a length of 3.0 to 3.4 m (9.8 to 11.2 feet). Sand tiger sharks are a maximum weight of 159 kg (350 lb) presented achieve, but some sources say try, to a weight of 300 kg (660 lb) away. The sand tiger shark is an active investor night. The sand tiger shark has been observed in the hunt groups meet with other sand tiger sharks, if they take advantage of large schools of fish. The sand tiger met in numbers when hunting large prey, or clutch. If the shark matures, tend to eat larger prey, like other sharks, dolphins and swordfish. The sand tiger is often caught from eating fish, sharks, rays, crabs and small bluefin tuna in nets. The sand tiger hunt. There are only a few examples of unprovoked shark attacks sand tiger in humans. If aggressive sharks tend to steal bait or fish instead of attacking people.

Sand tiger sharks roam epipelagic and mesopelagic regions of the ocean, sandy shores, estuaries, shallow bays and rocky or tropical reefs, in depths up to 19 meters (62 feet). However, sand tiger sharks inhabit deeper waters covered. Sand tiger sharks have been seen in Canadian waters three times: in the Minas Basin of Nova Scotia, near St. Andrews, New Brunswick, and the time for Lepreau, New Brunswick. The sand tiger shark can in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and are found in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic. In the western Atlantic, sand tiger sharks in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine to Florida, in the northern Gulf of Mexico around the Bahamas and Bermuda, and from southern Brazil to northern Argentina. The sand tiger shark is also found in the eastern Atlantic, from the Mediterranean to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, along the coast of Senegal and Ghana, Cameroon and southern Nigeria. The sand tiger shark has been observed in the Red Sea and is located east to India.

During mating the male grips the female sand tiger fins with teeth. The male sharks use claspers (modified pelvic fins) inseminate the female. The sand tiger shark has one of the lowest playing all kinds of sharks. They shall be easily influenced by the demographic pressure Female sharks have two uterus. After a long work, the female gives birth to 1 meter (3 feet) long descent, totally independent. According to the National Marine Fisheries Service, any shark caught immediately be released with minimal damage, and is regarded as a prohibited species, making it illegal to be a part of the sand tiger shark on the Atlantic coast of the United. The sand tiger population is less than 20 percent in the last ten years, which means that the shark is vulnerable by the World Conservation Union. To decrease the population of tigers sand Sand Tigers can be caught by fishing trawlers, although often caught with a fishing line. Fins sand tiger "is a popular topic in the Japanese market. Shark liver oil is a popular product in beauty products such as lipstick.

Northern Australia, their networks rather than float protect sharks. Many sand Tiger caught in the nets and then strangled or fishermen. Estuaries along the United States of America, the Atlantic coast is home to many of the young sand tiger sharks. Because the sand tiger sales worldwide has many common names. gray nurse shark, the name in Australia and the UK is the second most common name for the shark. Other names that chipped tooth (South Africa), and blue-nurse sand tiger (India) have discovered 

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Sunday, January 27, 2013



Animal You | Salmon | Salmon eggs are set in the freshwater streams typically at high latitudes. The eggs hatch into fry or fry ends. Only 10% of salmon eggs survive estimated at this stage. Changes in smolt body chemistry, allowing them to live in salt water. The salmon spend one to five years (depending on species) in the ocean, where little by little pubescent. The adult salmon then return everything to their natal streams to spawn. Just prior to spawning, depending on the species, salmon changes. You can develop a hump, develop canine teeth develop kype (a curve from the jaws of the male salmon). Everything will change the silvery blue of a fresh sea fish within a darker color. Salmon make amazing journeys, sometimes moving hundreds of miles upstream against strong currents and rapids to reproduce. Chinook and sockeye salmon from central Idaho, for example, traveling more than 900 miles (1,400 km) and climb nearly 7,000 feet (2,100 m) in the Pacific to return to spawn.

Between 2 and 4% of Atlantic salmon scavengers survive to breed again, all women. But even in those species of salmon that may survive more than once (iteroparity) spawn after spawning mortality is quite high (perhaps as high as 40-50%.) To make the eggs, the female salmon uses her tail (caudal fin), to create a low pressure zone, lifting gravel to be swept down, digging a shallow depression, called REDD. The eggs generally orange to red. Fresh water growth rings shows that the tight against the growth of sea spaced rings; spawn is characterized by considerable erosion as body mass becomes eggs and spleen. Freshwater streams and estuaries provide important habitat for many species of salmon. Mortality of salmon in the early life stages is usually high due to natural predation and human-induced changes in habitat, such as salinity, high water temperatures, the oxygen concentration is low, the high and low Cover Flow reduced river. Estuaries and associated wetlands provide vital areas for salmon farming before landlocked.

In the Pacific Northwest and Alaska salmon are keystone species, support wildlife, such as birds, bears and otters. The bodies of the salmon is a transfer of nutrients from the ocean, rich in nitrogen, sulfur, carbon and phosphorus in forest ecosystems. Function grizzly ecosystem engineers, salmon catch and bring in adjacent wooded areas. Fir leaf up to 500 m (1,600 ft) of a stream where bears are fishing for salmon in nitrogen salmon fishing. More information: Salmon Run. It was recorded in the field samples of salmon returning to the islands of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Henneguya myxosporean parasites and other group a complex life cycle, where the salmon is one of the two hosts. Fish provides the spores after spawning. If Henneguya, spores of introducing a second host, an invertebrate probably in spawning stream. When juvenile salmon migrate to the Pacific Ocean, the second host gives a platform for infectious salmon. The parasite is then introduced into the salmon farming cycle to the next.

According to Klaus Schallie, crustacean Program Specialist Food Inspection Agency of Canada, "nicola salmi Henneguya located in southern BC also and in all species of salmon. Many farms can create net densely populated in unusually high concentrations of sea lice, when exposed in estuaries with large number of open net farms, many young wild salmon are infected and do not survive longer. Adult salmon may survive otherwise critical numbers of sea lice, but small, thin-skinned juvenile salmon migrating to sea are highly vulnerable. On the Pacific coast of Canada, the louse-induced mortality of pink salmon in some regions is generally over 80%. Salmon is a popular food. Classified as an oily fish, salmon is considered healthy by high protein fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Salmon is high also a source of cholesterol, with a range of 23-214 mg/100 g, depending on the species. According to reports in the journal Science, but farmed salmon may contain high levels of dioxins. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) levels may be up to eight times higher in farmed salmon than in wild salmon.

Salmon flesh is generally orange to red, with white meat, although the product of wild salmon. The natural color of the carotenoid pigments, mainly salmon astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, but also in salmon flesh.Wild obtain these carotenoids by eating krill and other small crustaceans. The vast majority of Atlantic salmon in the world are high (almost 99%), whereas the majority of Pacific salmon are wild caught (over 80%). Canned salmon in the U.S. is usually taken wild Pacific, although some farmed salmon is available as canned. Smoked salmon is another popular preparation method, and can be hot or cold smoked. Lox can refer to cold smoked salmon or smoked salmon in a brine solution (also called gravlax). Traditional canned salmon includes some skin (which is harmless) and bone (which adds calcium). Canned salmon skinless and boneless is also available. Raw salmon flesh may Anisakis nematodes, marine parasites that cause anisakiasis. Check the availability of refrigeration, the Japanese did not consume raw salmon. Salmon and salmon caviar comes only in making sashimi (raw fish) and sushi

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Spotted Hyena


Animal You | Spotted Hyena | Taxonomic confusion is the exact nature of the hyena family, in general, with the majority of European travelers in Ethiopia hyenas as "wolves". This stems in part from the Amharic word for hyena ጅብ (djibb), which comes from the Arabic word ذئب (Dhi'b), the "wolf" is derived. The first detailed descriptions of the first hand of Europeans coming Willem Bosman spotted hyena and piston Pedro. Piston, a German mathematician and astronomer who worked for the Dutch East India Company in the Eastern Cape of Good Hope 1705-1713, hyenas described in detail, but describes it as "Tiger Wolf" because the settlers in South Africa does not they did, hyenas, and so-called "wolves". Crocuta was finally recognized as a separate species in 1828 hyena. Nlike striped hyena, which have been proposed for a number of sub-species, in light of the modern sector, the spotted hyena is a very variable species, both temporally and spatially.

When fossil fuels are taken into account, the species have a greater variation than is the case at present, and provided a number of these species fossil classified as synonymous Crocuta crocuta, with evidence that in most of a type genus Crocuta lack both Bjorn Kurten and Camille Arambourg Asian promoted the species; Kuerten focused their arguments on taxon sivalensis Plio-Pleistocene Crocuta defended Arambourg Siwaliks of view, but has admitted the possibility of an Indo-Ethiopian. This position has been challenged by Ficarelli and Torre made the reference to the detection of the presence of spotted hyenas in Africa deposists early Pleistocene age sivalensis similar to C. Asia. The first increase of the hyenas from Africa to Eurasia began less than 3.5 million years ago, probably in the area where the first fossils were found in spotted hyenas, reached Southeast Asia and probably Pakistan. The second migration occurred spotted hyenas least 1.3 to 1.5 million years ago and led to the first arrival of hyenas in Europe and a separation of the African spotted hyena in southern and a northern. The third migration was spotted hyenas after 0360000 years to reach the North African population, both in Europe and in Asia. 

The ancestors of the genus Crocuta Hyena target (the type of striped and brown hyenas) 10 million years ago, the ancestors of spotted hyenas probably developed social behaviors in response to growing pressure from other predators on the bodies, what that forced them to work as a team. At some point in its evolution spotted hyena developed sharp fangs behind their crushing premolars, this was waiting for their prey to die and not a necessity, as in the case of brown and striped hyenas, and thus became hunters load and scavengers. Since no evidence of changes in the environment is responsible, it is likely that the giant short-faced hyena became extinct due to competition with hyenas. The spotted hyena has a strong neck and well developed and underdeveloped area, front and rear, but relatively. In contrast to the striped hyena hyenas pointed ears are rounded instead. Unusually among hyaenids and mammals in general, the female spotted hyena is much larger than the males.

The spotted hyena has a big heart in proportion, almost 1% of body weight, resistance in both long persecution. Eurasian populations differ extinct now modern African populations of their distal humerus shorter and longer and femur. The hyena skull differs from that of the striped hyena by its much larger size and closer to the sagittal crest. For its size, the spotted hyena has one of the strongest in the skull of predators. With a third port oxo-cone lower fourth premolar The spotted hyena also has his fangs behind his bones break premolars, the position of the bones with their crushing premolars tusks can not flatten. Protect in combination with large jaw muscles and a special vaulting against large skull forces, these properties spotted hyenas powerful bite, the (11,400 lbf / in ²), a pressure of 800 kgf/cm2 to exercise, strength 40 % can result in a leopard compared. The jaws of spotted hyenas exceeding grizzlies bonecrushing observed in wild hyenas capacity and the long bones of giraffes measuring 7 cm in diameter to break.

The hyena is a nonseasonal breeder, if a birth peak during the rainy season. How many cat species are pair bonds of hyenas promiscuous and are not permanent. Males show submissive behavior when approaching women in the heat, even if the man on your partner. Women often prefer younger men born or. Passive Men tend to be more successful in wooing women are so aggressive. The pairing of spotted hyenas is a relatively short, which exists mainly at night without hyenas. In late pregnancy provide dominant female offspring develop higher levels of androgens lower-ranking mothers. The highest concentrations of androgens, which are responsible for the high concentrations of ovarian androstenedione for extreme masculinization of female behavior and morphology. This has the effect that the dominant female boys sexually aggressive and active ranges below the hyenas, male senior boys try to mount females opposite sons classification. Birth is difficult because females give birth through their narrow clitoris hyenas guys are the greatest of respect carnivoran young. Puppies are born with soft hair, black brown and a weight of 1.5 kg on average. Unique among carnivorous mammals, spotted hyenas are even with eyes open and with 6-7 mm long canines and incisors born 4 mm in length. This siblicide neonatal kills about 25% of hyenas in the first month. Mothers do not regurgitate food for their young. Puppies begin to lose hair and develop black spotted fur is lighter colored than adults 2-3 months. Spotted hyenas reach sexual maturity at the age of three years. Compared with other hyenas, hyenas display greater relative amount of the frontal cortex, is involved in mediating the social behavior. Studies suggest that convergent evolution in spotted hyena and primate intelligence. A study of evolutionary anthropologists demonstrated fact that chimpanzees outweigh the hyenas to solve the problem of detection; pairs of captive hyenas asked to draw two ropes in unison to earn a food reward, successful cooperation and learning maneuvers quickly without prior training. Experts hyenas even helped fellow clan without experience to solve the problem.

The intelligence of hyenas is 19 Century Dutch settlers in South Africa, the hyenas were extremely cunning and suspicious, as noted, especially after the success of the drain traps. Spotted hyenas seem intended to hunt certain species before, hyenas observed that activities such as scent marking before. Zebras, behavior that if you enjoy hunting other prey in turn produces spotted hyenas have also conspired to use fraudulent conduct, including alarm calls during feeding, if there are no enemies, hyenas scare others and allowing them to eat temporarily at peace. Similarly, mothers emit alarm calls in an attempt to stop attacks against other hyena cubs.
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Harp Seal


Animal You | Harp Seal | The harp is a silver body pretty face. His eyes are pure black. He harp or black triangle marks on the back. Baby Harp Seals (PUP) has a coat of yellow-white at birth, but after three days, the hair is white and remains white for about 12 days. Adult seals grow long you 1.7 to 2.0 meters (5-6 feet) and 140-190 kg (300-400 lb) in weight. Harp seals combine anatomical and behavioral approaches to their body, instead of increasing your metabolism and energy management. A thick layer of fat insulates the body and provides energy when food is scarce or during fasting. Blubber also streamlines your body to swim efficiently. Fins act as heat exchangers, heating or cooling the blood necessary. In ice, the seal together use their front flippers of your body and hind flippers to reduce heat loss Your retina is dominated bar and supported by a tapetum lucidum as a cat and reflection, increasing the sensitivity in low light. A lack of tear ducts, is "screaming" to suppress their tears. On the ice, the mother identifies their children by smell. Underwater, the seal closes his nose and smell everything.

Newborns weigh about 11 kg (24 lbs) and 80-85 cm (31-33 inches) tall. After birth, the mother feeds the dog. Seal milk contains up to 48% fat, so pups gain more than 2.2 kg (4.9 pounds) per day. Meanwhile, the lowest of the "Grey Coat" grows beneath the white neonatal coat, and weighs 80 pounds (36 kg). Weaning is cruel, nursing mothers exchange coupling promiscuity, leaving little on the ice. As the procession begins on the ice, mating usually occurs in the water. Beach puppy cries at first, then maintain sedentary body. At about 13-14 months of age, the puppies move to a bedlamer

The harp seal population is found in three different populations, each of which uses a specific hatchery. The population is divided into two different herds based on breeding location. A second action races in the "West Ice" in eastern Greenland. A third stock breeds on the "East Ice" in the White Sea, off the coast of Russia. Mating takes place between mid-February and April, and varies slightly for each population. 

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snowy Owl


Animal You | Snowy Owl | This yellow eyes, black billed white bird is easily recognizable. Moreover, these birds between 1.6 to 3 kg (3.5 to 6.6 pounds) predominate. This is one of the largest species of owl in North America and on average the heaviest owl species. The male is almost pure white, but females and young birds have a little dark scallops are excluded young people mostly, and dark spots can even outweigh. Its plumage often strong feet with feathers, paint and make the Snowy Owl north for life the Arctic Circle dug well adapted. Snowy Owl calls are varied, but the alarm call is a barking, almost quacking Krek-Krek, also has a soft meow Pyee Pyee or PreK-PreK. This species of owl nests on the ground, building a scrape on top of a mountain or rock. Gravel bars and abandoned eagle nests may be used. The female scrapes a small space prior to spawning.

Both the male and the female defend the nest and their young from predators, sometimes disturbing screens. This powerful bird relies primarily on lemmings and other small rodents for food during the breeding season, but in times of low prey density or during the ptarmigan nesting period, they may change in favor of young grouse. They are opportunistic predators and prey can vary greatly, especially in the winter. They eat a variety of small mammals such as mice and rats, prairie deer, but get larger prey, often found on traplines for food. Some of the larger mammal prey includes rabbits, muskrats, marmots, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, prairie dogs, mice, moles, and entrapped furbearers. Prey Birds include ptarmigan, ducks, geese, shorebirds, pheasants, partridges, coots, grebes, gulls, birds and birds of prey, including other species of owls.

Snowy Owls, like many other birds, swallow their small prey whole. Biologists frequently examine these pellets, the amount and type of prey the birds have eaten determined. If you eat large prey into small pieces, pellets will not occur. During the breeding season, the owls regularly defend their nests against arctic foxes, ravens and rapid flight Jaegers and dogs, gray wolves and birds of prey animals. Males defend the nest guard near, while the female incubates the eggs and young larvae. Directly compete lemmings and other prey of predators, including Rough-legged hawks, eagles, falcons, hawks, falcons, Jaegers, gulls, glaucous, short eared owl, Eurasian eagle owls, ravens common, wolves, arctic foxes and stoats. Some species nest near Snowy owl nests, such as the snow goose seem incidental benefit from the protection of snowy owls, the competing predators drive out of the area. 

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Grizzly Bear


Animal You | Grizzly Bear | Most adult females weighing Grizzlies 130-200 kg (290-440 pounds) while the average adult male weighing 180-360 kg (400-790 pounds). Bear babies weighing less than 500 grams (1.1 pounds). In the Yukon, grizzlies can mature small woman weighing 100 kg (220 lb). Although variable from blond to nearly black, grizzly bear fur is usually brown with white tips. A pronounced hump appears on their shoulders coup is a good way to distinguish a black bear from a grizzly bear, black bear, do not have this hump. Brown bears are found in Asia, Europe and North America will one of the widest ranges of bear species. The ancestors of the grizzly bears in Eurasia and North America were about 50,000 years ago. In September 2007, a hunter produced evidence of grizzly bears returning Selway Bitterroot Wilderness ecosystem, in Idaho and western Montana, killing a grizzly bear man.

In Canada, there are approximately 25,000 grizzly bears occupying British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario and northern Manitoba. The combination of Canadian and U.S. live brown bear about half the size of its historic range. In British Columbia grizzly bears live about 90% of its original territory. There are about 25,000 grizzly bears in British Columbia were when European settlers arrived. In 2008 there were an estimated 16,014 grizzly bears. Population estimates are from British Columbia. The grizzly bear currently has legal protection in Mexico, European countries, in parts of Canada and the United States. Currently, there are about 55,000 wild grizzly bears in North America

The brown bear (grizzly bear is a subspecies) can be up to 30 years in the wild, but 20-25 is normal. Grizzly bears have one of the lowest reproductive rates of all terrestrial mammals in North America. Grizzly bears do not reach sexual maturity until they are at least five years. Grizzlies are subject to fragmentation of the population, which tends to reduce the population by inbreeding gestation period for grizzly depression.The takes approximately 180-250 days. Grizzlies are considered by some experts to be more aggressive than black bears while defending themselves and their descendants. Aggressive behavior in grizzly bears is favored by numerous selection variables. Unlike the smaller black bears, adult grizzlies are too large to escape danger by climbing trees, so they respond to danger by standing their ground and defend the attackers. Increased aggressiveness also contributes to a better female grizzlies ensure the survival of their young childbearing age.

Grizzly bears normally avoid contact with humans. Most grizzly bear attacks are about a bear that has surprised, especially when it comes to securing food supply, or have female grizzlies protecting their young. In such situations, the damaged and the bear may physically harm people. Even worse is the fact that matches the human habitat intensive grizzly with the seasonal movement of grizzly bears. Increased human-bear interactions "problem bears", which are bears that have adapted to human activity or created habitat. The BC government kills approximately 50 problem is every year and usually more than a million dollars a year are spent on bear complaints relocate bears and kill them.

For backcountry campers, hanging food between trees at a height unreachable bears is a common procedure, although some grizzlies can climb and reach hanging food in other ways. An alternative is to use a food hang cassette bears. Traveling in groups of six or more can significantly reduce the risk of injury to the bear while hiking in bear country Males older children have had with bears in the region. This allows the newly migrated male bear to be young men to end infanticide. Grizzly Bear Hunting for the management of wildlife is permitted in British Columbia, Canada.
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Monday, January 21, 2013



Animal You | Giraffe | Giraffes are well developed, standing 5-6 m (16-20 ft), with higher men than women. On both sides of the head, giraffe with big eyes and bulging is good from every angle of his great height. Giraffe coloring ledge on their senses of hearing and smell are also strong. The prehensile tongue of the giraffe is about 50 cm (20 inches) in length. The upper lip is grabbing and giraffes also useful when feeding. Giraffe males darkens with age. Each individual has a unique pattern of giraffe fur. The skin of a giraffe is usually gray. The skin as a chemical defense, and they give the animal a disease repulsive odor. Around the neck of the animal is a mane made of short erect hairs. The appearance is a reliable guide to the sex or age of a giraffe: the ossicones of women and young people are the visualization of thin hair on the top, while adult males and extremely buds tend to bald on top. The males develop calcium deposits which form bumps on the skull as they age. Skull of a giraffe is illuminated by breasts.

Selecting the giraffe has a rough surface. The front and rear legs of a giraffe approximately the same length. The walk giraffe reaches a diameter of 30 cm (12 inches) and the trunk 15 cm (5.9 in) in height for men and 10 cm (3.9 inches) in women. Giraffes have no dewclaws and interdigital glands. Basin giraffes, while relatively short, has a prolonged ileus, that the upper extremities. A giraffe has only two feet and the air at a gallop. Galloping, the hind legs are moved to the front legs, the last forward and curled tail. A giraffe is found with his body resting on the top of your legs bent. In bed, kneeling in animals on their front legs and then down the rest of the body. Then stretch the front legs. At each step, the animal swings his head. In captivity, the giraffe brief sleep about 4.6 hours a day, especially at night.

Intermittent short "sleep", while the phases that are found to be characterized by giraffe bending the neck back and resting her head on the side of the thigh, a position as paradoxical sleep to give. If you want Giraffe bending or stretching the legs for drinking or your knees to bend. Swimmers Giraffe probably irrelevant as long legs, it would be very cumbersome in the water, although it can float. While swimming, the breast is suppressed by the front legs, making it difficult for the animal around my neck and legs to move in harmony or keeping their heads above water. Each vertebra is more than 28 cm (11 inches) long. This extension is implemented after childbirth, mothers giraffe would have a hard time giving birth to the proportions of young adults, the head of the neck of the giraffe and neck supported by large muscles and nuchal ligament, which are anchored by long spines on anterior thoracic vertebrae, making the animal a bump

Vertebrae of the neck of the giraffe has ball joints. This allows C7 directly contribute to a greater length of the neck, and has led to the suggestion that T1 is actually C8, and giraffes have an extra cervical vertebra. There are two main hypotheses regarding the evolutionary origin and maintenance of elongation of the neck of the giraffe. It suggests that competitive pressure from smaller browsers, such as kudu, impala and ibex, encouraged the expansion of the neck, the giraffe get food that competitors could not. There is also research showing that competition is intense exploration at lower levels, and giraffes feed more efficiently (gaining more leaf biomass with every bite) high in the canopy. But scientists are not in accordance with the giraffes time spent on a power beyond the reach of the other browsers, and a 2010 study found that adult giraffes with longer necks actually higher mortality suffered under drought of their shorter neck. This study suggests that the preservation of a longer neck more nutrients that long neck giraffe makes the risk during food shortages required

The other main theory, the sexual selection hypothesis proposes that the long necks evolved as a secondary sexual characteristic, allowing men an advantage in "free" games (see below) to establish dominance and access to sexually receptive females. In mammals, the left recurrent laryngeal nerve is longer than the right giraffe more than 30 cm (12 inches) long. These nerves are the giraffe from a living animal, the left nerve is more than 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) in length. The structure of the brains of a giraffe looks like cattle. The shape of the skeletal system provides very little giraffe lung volume in relation to its mass. The long neck, which gives a lot of dead space, despite its narrow trachea. Circulatory system The giraffe has a number of adjustments to the high altitude. Giraffes have unusually high heart rate due to their size, to 150 beats per minute. In the upper part of the neck, the rete mirabile excessive blood flow to the brains of the head of the forearm. Giraffe esophageal muscles that have unusually strong to regurgitation of food from the stomach to the neck and mouth during chewing. Intestinal giraffe measure up to 80 m (260 feet) and a relatively small percentage of the small intestine. The giraffe liver is small and compact.

Giraffes usually inhabit savannas, grasslands and open woodlands. The Angolan giraffe in desert environments. Giraffe browsing on the branches of trees, preferring trees of Acacia, Commiphora and Terminalia, which are an important source of calcium and protein in the growth of the giraffe to maintain. 324 A giraffe eats about 34 kilograms (75 pounds) of leaves per day. When stressed, giraffes can chew the bark of the branches. Although herbivore, giraffes have been known to visit the channel and the dried meat from the bones to lick. During the rainy season, food is abundant and giraffes are more dispersed, while in the dry season, they gather around trees and shrubs remain. As a ruminant, giraffe chew their food, then swallows for processing and then visibly half-digested cud up to his neck and back in the mouth for chewing. And 'common for a giraffe to drool while feeding. Animal excrement in the form of small pellets. Giraffes have a large effect on the trees that feed, the growth of young trees for a few years delay and give "life" trees that are too high. While giraffes are usually found in groups, the composition of these groups tend to open and evolve.

Giraffe groups are the most stable of mothers and their offspring, which may last for weeks or months. mixed groups consisting of adult females and young males is also known to occur. subadult males are .. especially social However, play and participate in fights, as people feel more lonely elderly giraffes are not territorial, but those areas of the male giraffes occasionally stray from areas normally play is widespread polygamous:. few old comrade of men to women fertile male giraffes assess female fertility by tasting the female estrus urine to discover, in a multi-step process known as the reaction of Flehmen L men prefer women young adults about children and the elderly. Although generally quiet and non-vocal, giraffes have been heard to communicate with various sounds. During courtship, the males emit loud coughs. Giraffe also snoring, whistle, groan and make noises like a flute, and communicate over long distances using infrasound. The giraffes were probably common targets for hunters in Africa. Smoke from burning giraffe fur is used by healers of Buganda to treat nosebleeds. Normally, giraffes can coexist with livestock, as they do not directly compete with them.

In 1997, Jonathan Kingdon suggests that Nubian giraffe was the most threatened of all giraffes from 2010, it is possible that less than 250, but this estimate is uncertain. The private hunting areas have contributed to the maintenance of the populations of giraffe in southern Africa. Giraffe Manor is a popular hotel in Nairobi also serves as a sanctuary for Rothschild giraffe. The giraffe is a protected species in most of its range.
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Proboscis Monkeys


Animal You | Proboscis Monkeys | The proboscis monkey is a large species, one of the largest species of monkeys of Asia. Sex differences in the types defined. Women 53.3 to 62 cm (21.0 to 24) in the head height and the weight of 7 to 12 kg (15 to 26 pounds) with a known maximum weight of 15 kg (33 lb). The proboscis monkey has a coat almost time. The inner layer is light gray to orange, yellow or gray. The face is orange-pink. The male has a red penis with a black scrotum. Many webbed toes monkeys. Proboscis monkeys usually live in groups consisting of one adult male, several adult females and their offspring. All-male groups may also occur. Some people are lonely, mostly men. Groups of monkeys live in overlapping territories with little territoriality, in a divided society merger, with groups meeting places to sleep when night falls.

One-male groups consist of 9-19 people, while bands can have up to 60 people. A male groups usually consist of three to 12 people, but can be longer. Severe aggression is rare in monkeys, but less aggression does not occur frequently. A linear dominance hierarchy exists among women. Men by a group of men can remain in their groups of 6-8 years. Upon reaching adulthood, males leave their natal groups and join all male groups. Women sometimes leave their natal groups, perhaps to avoid infanticide or inbreeding, reduce competition for food or increase their social status to be sexually mature females age five.

The male grabs the female by the ankles or trunk and ride behind. If you apply for both men and women are frowned faces. In addition, males and females sing sometimes present their buttocks mating pairs sometimes harassed by subadults. Proboscis monkeys can also participate in the meeting without reproductive purposes, such as recreational and assembly of the same sex. The nose of a young man who grows gradually until reaching adulthood. The mother will allow members of their group, to support her son. If a resident replaced man in a group of one man, the children run the risk of infanticide. Proboscis monkeys is that the familiar sounds different. When communicating the status of the group of male issue honking. Men are also warning alarm bells.

This species is restricted lowland habitats experiencing tides. Favors dipterocarp, mangrove and swamp forests. You may also swamp forests, swamp forests, stunted trees, rubber, rubber plantations, forests, limestone mountain, Nypa swamps, bogs and marshes Nibong high forests, tropical forests and cliffs are heather.  

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