Monday, December 31, 2012



Animal You | Dingo | Stray dogs and fashion share many characteristics with Australian Dingoes South experts believe that if not "dingo" Australian sense of the word (which implies an independent animal, wild, integrated ecosystem), members of lupus taxon Canis dingo, a subspecies of Canis lupus special. A dingo has a relatively large head, a pointed muzzle and erect ears. Eye color varies from yellow to brown well. Compared to other similarly sized familiaris dogs, dingoes have longer snout, carnassials larger tusks and skulls flatter with large neck lines. The Australian dingo average 52-60 cm (20-24 inches) tall at the shoulders and measures 117-154 cm (46-61 inches) from nose to tail. The average weight of 13-20 kg (29-44 pounds), but there are some reports of dingo weighing up outdoors 27-35 kg (60-77 lbs). Males are generally larger and heavier than females of the same age. Dingo northern and northwestern Australia are larger than Central America and southern Australia. Australian dingoes are heavier than those of Asia.

Like all domestic dogs, dingoes tend towards a phonetic communication, with the difference that the screams and moans fewer domestic dogs barking. During research, eight sound classes with 19 sound types can be achieved, often erroneously considered that dingoes do not bark. Compared to most other domestic dogs bark of a dingo is short and monosyllabic. During observations, the barking of Australian dingoes revealed relatively little variability, and subgroups of barking characteristic of domestic dogs was not found. Furthermore, only 5% of the bark observed vocalizations. Australian Dingo cortex swooshing only noise or a mixture atonal / tonal. Warn-barking in a series of typical gay and a "warning cry" in a typical heterogeneous series was observed. Additionally, dingoes emit an audible "crying", which are used primarily in the vicinity of a pool of water, probably to warn already present dingoes.

According to the current state of knowledge, it is not possible to get Australian dingoes bark frequently in contact with other domestic dogs. Whether dingoes bark or bark howl less frequently in general is not Dingoes have three basic forms of howling (moans, bark, mourn, and nose) with at least 10 variations. The frequency of howling varies depending on season and time of day, and is also influenced by breeding, migration, lactation, social stability and dispersion behavior. In addition, more often screaming in times of food shortage, because dogs more widespread in their habitat. Overall was crying less frequently than observed gray wolves. Occasionally a dog starts crying, and again most or all other dogs howl and bark occasionally. In the desert, dingo howl long distances to attract other members of the herd to other dogs to meet and repel the invaders. Dingoes howl in harmony with important steps and with an increasing number of packets members variability of rotation also increases therefore dingoes suspected suitable for measuring the size of a package without visual contact.

During observations, growling is 65% of the observed sounds. During observations of Germany, dingoes was a sound that observers called retired products. In addition to voice communication, dingoes communicate like all domestic dogs via scent marking specific objects (eg Spinifex) or places (waters, trails, hunting areas, etc) by chemical signals from the urine, feces and scent glands. Males scent marks more often than women, especially during the mating season. Unlike wolves, dingoes can react to social cues and gestures of humans The periods of activity are short (often less than one hour), with short rest periods.  During studies on dingoes in the highlands of Central Europe and Australia in captivity, reproductive cycle not observed. Unlike men captive dingo dingo photographed through the center of Australia showed a male reproductive cycle. Dingoes showed no interest in females in heat (this time other domestic dogs) outside the breeding season (January to July) and do not play with them.

In Southeast Asia, mating occurs between August and September. During this period, the dingoes actively defend their territory with sounds, controlling behavior, growling and barking. Under dingoes in captivity, was the pre-estrus observed over the last 10-12 days. In general, the only dingoes in a pack that successfully breed are the alpha pair, and the other pack-members help with raising the pups. Subordinates are actively prevented from breeding alpha pair and some subordinate females have a false pregnancy. Low ranking or solitary dingoes can successfully reproduce the structure of the group apart. Cubs subordinate females are usually killed by the alpha female, the population increase caused low even in good economic times. In Australia, the holes are mostly underground. Dingo young people tend to be independent at the age of three to six months, or disperse at the age of 10 months, when the next mating season.

When dingoes in captivity have survived 24 years are included. The main causes of death in the dingos are killings of humans, crocodiles and dogs, including other dingoes. Dingo are subject to the same diseases as domestic dogs. Today, 38 species of parasites and pathogens found in Australian dingoes. Dingo puppies can also kill lung worms, whipworms, hepatitis, coccidiosis, lice and ticks. Scabies is a parasitic disease transmitted by the dingo of Australia, but is rarely debilitating.
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Animal You | Bobcat | The lynx resembles other species of the genus Lynx, but on average, the smallest of the four. The ears are black nozzle and nozzle, Shaggy and black pants. Bobcats in the desert regions of the southwest layers of light, while darker in the northern woodlands. Kittens are born well furred and already have their places. A few melanistic bobcats have been sighted and captured in Florida. Appear black, but still a dot pattern. Bobcat eyes are yellow with black pupils. Adult males range in weight from 6.4 to 18.3 kg (£ 14-40), (lb 21) with an average of 9.6 kg, females from 4 to 15.3 kg (8.8 to 34 pounds ), with an average of 6.8 kg (15 lb). The largest wild cat measured accurately record weighed 22.2 kg (49 lb), although unconfirmed reports have reached 27 kg (60 lb). The largest organization of lynx in eastern Canada and northern New England species (L. r. Gigas), while the smallest subspecies of the southeast (L. r. Floridanus) in especially Appalachian south. The Bobcat is muscular, and its hind legs are longer than the front legs, which gear floating. At birth, with a weight of 0.6 to 0.75 pounds (270 to 340 g) and about 10 inches (25 cm) long.

The cat is larger in its northern range and in open habitats. A morphological size comparison in the eastern United States revealed a discrepancy in the position of the largest specimens men and women is. Bobcat activities are well defined areas whose size varies with sex and distribution of prey is limited. Some additional shelters on the outer periphery of their range, such as hollow logs, brush piles, thickets, or under rock ledges den Its strong smell of bobcats. Sizes ranges vary considerably Bobcats offers a World Conservation Union (IUCN) summary of research ranges from 0.02 to 126 square miles (0,052 to 330 km2). Transient Bobcats were much larger (about 22 sq. mi/57 km2) areas and less well defined. Kittens have the smallest surface area of approximately 3 square miles (7.8 km2). One study found a wide variation in the range of 16 male square miles (41 km2) in summer up to 40 square miles (100 km2) in winter. Another study showed that female bobcats, especially those who were sexually active, expanded their home in the winter, but men simply shifted their range without expanding it. Consistent with many previous studies Other studies in several states have shown little or no seasonal variation.

Like most cats, the bobcat is a solitary, but often overlapping ranges widely. Unusual for cats, males are more tolerant of overlap, while females rarely wander into the ranks of the other. Because of its small range, two or more women in the house of man. When multiple male territories overlap a dominance hierarchy is often noted this. Consistent with very different estimates of range size, population density figures are different from one to 38 Bobcats per 25 square miles (65 km2) in a single investigation. In one study had a dense population. Without hunting in California, a sex ratio of 2.1 men for every woman With decreasing density, distorted sex ratio of 0.86 males to one female. The female may come later to mate with other males, and males usually mate with several females. Silent during courtship, another wild cat came loudly, whistling or other sounds. Research in Texas has suggested the creation of a home range is necessary for breeding, animal studies have not been rich unnamed offspring. The woman. The female raises the children alone. Adult lynx has few predators other than humans, but life in interspecific conflict. Cougars and gray wolves to kill adult bobcats, a behavior repeatedly observed in Yellowstone National Park. Coyotes have killed adult lynx and kittens. Kitten by several predators, including owls, eagles and foxes, lynx and adult men, others may be taken if prey populations are not abundant, are less likely to reach adulthood.A study of 15 lynx showed annual survival rates for both sexes averaged 0.62, in line with other research suggesting rates of 0.56 to 0.67. Bobcat, external parasites, ticks and fleas are usually, and often carry the parasite prey, especially rabbits and squirrels. Internal parasites (endoparasites) are especially common in cats. Parasites or diseases "role in the mortality of lynx are stll clear, but a higher mortality than starvation, accidents, and predation. The bobcat is an adaptable animal. The lynx population depends primarily on the population of its prey, other important factors in choosing the type of habitat protection from the weather, availability of rest and study centers, dense cover for hunting and escape , and the absence of interference

Bobcat range does not seem to be limited by human populations, as they find suitable habitat, only large areas of intensive cultivation, and not for the species. If chased by a dog, usually climb a tree.As reported'm no longer exist in western New York and Pennsylvania, multiple confirmed sightings of Bobcats (including dead specimens) have been recently published in the category New York and South Central New York. Canada's population is due to the snow and the presence of Canada lynx. The bobcat does not tolerate deep snow, storms and wait in protected areas, which does not have large padded feet of the Canadian lynx and can not bear the weight of the snow so as effective. The lynx is not quite a disadvantage if their offer meets all Cat: Moving Canada lynx lynx by the aggressive was observed where they interact in Nova Scotia, while the clearing of forests conifers agriculture has led to a decline north of the Canadian Lynx lynx range of benefits.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012



Animal You | Cheetah | The cheetah chest is deep and its waist is narrow. The short, thick fur cheetah is tan with round black spots measuring 2-3 cm (0.79 to 1.2), which allows some "camouflage for hunting. The cheetah has a small head with high-set eyes. The adult cheetah weighs 21-72 kg (46-160 lbs). Cheetahs are 66-94 cm (26-37 inches) tall at the withers. Men tend to be slightly larger than females and have your head a little higher, but there is great variation in cheetah sizes and it is difficult to distinguish males and females by their appearance alone. Some cheetahs have a rare mutation pattern skin patches great together. Known as the "king cheetahs," once considered a separate subspecies, but are actually African cheetahs, unusual patterns of hair is the result of a single recessive gene. The "King Cheetah" is only seen in the wild a few times, but it has been bred in captivity.

Cheetah legs semi-retractable claws have (known only in three other cat species: the fishing cat, the flat-headed cat and the Iriomote cat), offering extra grip in its high-speed chases. The spur is much shorter and straighter than other cats. Adjustments cheetah running faster, since they do not include large windows that allow for greater oxygen consumption, and an enlarged heart and lungs that work together to allow oxygen to circulate efficiently. Unlike real big cats in the subfamily Pantherinae, the cheetah can purr as it inhales, but can not roar. The cheetah is still considered by some to be the smallest of the big cats. The thinner body frame of the cheetah is also very different from the leopard.

The cheetah is an endangered species. Once known furbearers, the cheetah now suffers more from the loss of habitat and prey. The cheetah originated before the most primitive among the cats and has about 18 million years. The king cheetah is a rare mutation of cheetah with a specific pattern on the skin. In 1927, the naturalist Reginald Innes Pocock said that a separate species, but the decision in 1939 for lack of evidence, but was found in 1928, a film by Walter Rothschild bought that model in the intermediate layer between the king cheetah and spotted cheetah and Abel Chapman considered a form of being spotted leopard color. Since 1927, the king cheetah was reported five times more than in nature. Although strangely marked skins had come from Africa, a live king cheetah was photographed until 1974 in South Africa Kruger National Park. It appeared larger than a spotted cheetah and its fur had a different texture.

In May 1981, two sisters born and each litter spots contains a king cheetah. The sisters were both covered in wild male Transvaal (where king cheetahs had been recorded). King cheetahs were born later more in the center. There are several geographically isolated populations of cheetah, all of which are in Africa or Southwest Asia. You can, however, doubtful, some cheetahs remain in India. There were several unconfirmed reports of Asiatic Cheetahs in the Balochistan province of Pakistan, with at least one dead animal recently discovered. The cheetah lives in areas with large tracts of land where prey is abundant. The cheetah as an open biotope, such as semi-desert, steppe and thick brush to live, if you can find a variety of habitats.

A study of cheetahs in the Serengeti showed females sexually promiscuous and often have many different men out of boys. Unlike some other cats, the cheetah is born with its characteristic restaurants. This gives them a mane or Mohawk type of publication, poured into account, as the cheetah grows. It has been speculated this mane gives a cheetah cub the appearance of honey (Ratel), to scare away potential aggressors. The cheetah has a unique, well-structured social order. The cheetah is a carnivore, eating mostly mammals under 40 kg (88 lb), including Thomson's gazelle, Grant's gazelle, the springbok and impala. Young mammals larger as wildebeest and zebra are sometimes, and even adults, taken in cheetahs hunt in groups. Guineafowl and hares are also prey. While the other big cats often hunt by night, the cheetah is a diurnal hunter.

The cheetah hunting vision rather than smell. The cheetah has an average hunting success by 50%. Run at very high speeds is a major burden on the body of the cheetah. In running, the temperature of the body rises rapidly ounce. The cheetah kills its prey by the intervention during the chase, then biting at the base of the throat to choke, the cheetah is not strong enough to break the neck of more loot. The diet of a cheetah depends on the area you live. This small antelope is smaller and slower than the cheetah, which makes it a suitable prey. Cheetah fur was formerly considered as a status symbol. Today, cheetahs have a growing economic importance for ecotourism and are also found in zoos. Cheetahs are far less aggressive than other cats and can be tamed, so cubs are sometimes illegally sold as pets. Cheetahs were formerly, and sometimes still hunted because many farmers believe that eating cattle. If the species is in danger, numerous campaigns were launched to try to educate farmers and encourage them to conserve cheetahs. Recent data have shown that cheetahs will not attack and eat the animals if they can help, as they prefer their wild prey.  Ancient Egyptians often kept cheetahs as pets, and also tamed and trained for hunting. Cheetahs hunting fields in low-sided carts or horse would be taken, hooded and blindfolded, and kept on a leash while dogs flushed prey. When the prey was near enough, the cheetahs would be released and removed their associations. Cheetahs continue with royalty and elegance, their use as pets spreading as their hunting skills were assigned. Akbar the Great, ruler of the Mughal Empire, 1556-1605, held until 1000 cheetahs. Even in 1930, was the emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, often photographed leading a cheetah on a leash. Cheetahs are still behave in the modern world.
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Snow Leopards


Animal You | Snow Leopards | Snow leopards are a bit smaller than the other big cats but, like them, have a range of sizes, generally weighing 27 to 55 kg (60 and 120 pounds), with an occasional large male reaching 75 kg ( £ 170) and a small woman under 25 kg (55 lb). Snow leopards have long thick fur, and their base color varies from smoky gray to brown, yellowish, with whitish underside. Open rosettes on their body with small spots of the same color on their heads and larger spots on their legs and tail Uncommon in cats, their eyes are pale green or gray in color. Snow leopards show several adaptations for living in a cold mountainous environment. Queues are snow leopards' long and flexible, helping to balance, which is very important in the rocky terrain they inhabit maintain.

The snow leopard has a short muzzle and domed forehead, help with unusually large nasal cavities, which the animal breathe the air, the coldness of their mountainous environment. The snow leopard can not roar, despite having partial ossification of the hyoid bone. Snow leopard vocalizations include hisses, chuffing, mews, growls and moans. The snow leopard was first described by Schreber in 1775, in the Kopet-Dag mountains of Turkmenistan and Iran. In the past, many taxonomists were the snow leopard in the genus Panthera, together with the largest existing other cats, but later in his own species, Uncia placed.  MSW3 more than snow leopard uncia uncia but denotes the most recent IUCN classifies them as Panthera uncia. Cat Classification Working Group, with the aim of proposing, on behalf of the Cat Specialist Group and the IUCN Red unit list, and based on the best scientific and expert knowledge available today, is currently working to date and practical classification of felids, including genus, species and subspecies with the most probable distribution ranges of taxa in question.

In summer, snow leopards usually live above the tree line on mountainous meadows and in rocky regions at a height of 2,700 to 6,000 meters (8,900 to 20,000 feet). Snow leopards prefer broken terrain and can easily in the snow up to 85 centimeters run (33 inches) deep, although leopards existing routes from other animals prefer. The snow leopard leads a largely solitary life, although mothers of boys can wind caves in the mountains for longer. An individual snow leopard lives within a well-defined large house, but does not defend its territory aggressively when penetrated by other snow leopards. Home ranges vary greatly in size Like other cats, snow leopards use scent marks to indicate their territory and common travel routes. Snow leopards are crepuscular, being most active at dusk. Snow leopards are big cats that they unusually well-defined maximum luminous flux. Usually mate in late winter, marked by a noticeable increase in marking and calling. Snow Leopards have a gestation period of 90 to 100 days, so that the young are born between April and June.

There are many agencies working to the snow leopard and its threatened mountain ecosystems to obtain. These include the Snow Leopard Trust, the Snow Leopard Conservancy, the Snow Leopard Network, the Cat Specialist Group and the Panthera Corporation. These groups and numerous national governments of the range and the snow leopard, and charitable donors around the world recently worked together at the 10th International Snow Leopard Conference in Beijing. Their focus on research, community programs are in Snow Leopard regions and training to understand the needs of cats as well as the needs of the villagers and shepherds communities that addressed life snow leopard "and habitat. 

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Red-footed Booby


Animal You | Red-footed Booby | It has red legs and beak and throat pouch are pink and blue. In Gefieder white morph is white (the head often tinged with yellow) and flight feathers are black. The shape is usually brown. White-tailed deer integral form is similar, but has a white belly and tail rump. A black and white head has a brown Warteschlange predominantly white body, head and tail and brown wings and back. The Geschlechtern are similar, and are dark brown Jugendliche with Rosen verblasst wings and legs, while the chicks are covered with white Bettdecke dicht.

This species breeds on islands in most tropical oceans. The nest is usually placed in a tree or bush, rarely, may nest on the ground. Red-footed Booby pairs may remain together for several seasons. They perform rituals Anrede developed, including the cries hostile and show their male blue Schlucht, including both short dances. Red-footed Boobies are spectacular divers, plunging into the sea at high speed to catch its prey.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Steller's sea eagle


Animal You | Steller's sea eagle | Steller Sea-eagle is the largest bird in the genus Haliaeetus and is one of the largest birds of prey in general. Steller sea eagle length can vary from 85 to 105 cm (33 to 41) are. The Steller's sea eagle is the second highest average wingspan of an eagle. Rather small weight and total length As in most eagle Haliaeetus, the tarsus and the tail of this species is relatively short compared to other large eagles from 9.5 to 10 cm (3.7 to 3.9 inches) and from 32 to 34.5 cm (13 to 13.6 cm) in length. The bill is very large. In fact, the skull (approximately 14.6 cm (5.7 in)) and summit (about 7 cm (2.8 in)) of Steller's sea eagle is the largest of all eagles and are comparable in size accipitrids plus the Old World vultures. The Steller's sea eagle is dark brown to black. Most of your body, with white on the shoulders, thighs, and the crown is wedge-shaped, white tails.  L 'bill eyes and feet of adults are yellow.

Steller Sea Eagles are not widely known for his voice, but has been known to take a deep barking cry, ra-ra-ra-Raurau in aggressive interactions. The plumage is new chicks first is white silk, but quickly turn gray-brown smoke. As the flight feathers of eagles and other pens retrices the first year more than adults. Juvenile plumage is dark brown uniform with white feathers bases and bright spots in retrices. The young Steller sea eagle has a dark brown iris, black-brown legs and beak White. Based on the data before and feathers prisoners fragmentary half differ from heavy sea eagles, which occurs throughout the range of reproduction of the actuator.

Steller Sea Eagle breeds in the Kamchatka Peninsula, around the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, the lower reaches of the Amur River, and north of Sakhalin and the islands Shantar, Russia. Most birds winter further south, in the South Kuril Islands, Russia and Hokkaido, Japan. That said, the Steller's sea eagles eagle is less homeless. Vagrant eagles are found in North America and Taiwan, but it will be as individuals eagles have moved away from the kind of "typical range. This bird nests in two habitats: along the coast and along the rivers with trees. They nest in large rocks or on the tops of tall trees. Some eagles, including nesting on the coast can not be migrated.

In Kamchatka eagles winter in the forests and river valleys near the coast, but unevenly distributed throughout the peninsula. Most wintering birds like living adults. Steller's sea eagle, flying down to make migration to winter in the rivers and wetlands in Japan moves, but sometimes unlike the mountainous coast. Each winter ice in the Sea of Okhotsk is bringing thousands of southern eagles. Hokkaido ice reaches the end of January. Maximum numbers in the Nemuro Strait in late February. Hokkaido Adler attention in coastal areas and lakes near the coast, with a significant number of white-tailed eagles. Eagles between late March and late April, leaving adults usually puppies first. Immigrants tend to follow coastlines and flies usually observed individuallyIn Kamchatka, most migrants are birds plumage transition period. Alternative nests are typically 900 m (3,000 ft) built by another.

Eggs and chicks arboreal mammals can be very narrow, as the black and ermine, and birds are often hunted crows. Each of these little smart nest predators rely on stealth and distraction of eagle nests precede and be killed, which is obtained when one parent. As soon as it reaches adult size during infancy, few predators threaten this species. In one case, a brown bear (Ursus arctos) is able to access a nest directly on a rock and ate an eagle fly, but is believed to be extraordinary. Nests in mature trees are probably predation Fledgings invulnerable because no large mammalian predators that can climb trees in the range of kind, yes. It has been observed that the recent floods that have an effect of global climate change, the almost total lack of nest eagle's nest on the Russian rivers caused by completely blocked the ability of parents to the importance of fish to their chicks detect survival. In Kamchatka, 320 pairs were recorded. A further 89 breeding sites are not monitored. Other 600 pairs are produced in the low Amur. The total population is about 3,200 breeding pairs.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bengal Tiger


Animal You | Bengal Tiger | The coat of the Bengal tiger is yellow, light orange, with stripes ranging from dark brown to black, the abdomen and the internal parts are white, and the tail is orange with black rings. Male Bengal tigers have an average length of 270-310 cm (110-120), with the tail, females 240-265 cm (94-104) average. The tail is usually 85-110 cm (33-43 inches) in length and average tigers are 90-110 cm (35-43 inches) tall at the withers. The average weight of males is 221.2 kg (488 lbs), while that of women is 139.7 kg (308 lb). The white tiger is a recessive mutant of the Bengal tiger in the wild have been reported from time to time in Assam, Bengal, Bihar and especially from the former state of Rewa. In 1929, the British taxonomist Pocock assumed that tigers in southern India has come too late to Sri Lanka to India previously connected by a land bridge to colonize.

In the Indian subcontinent, tigers live in the rainforests and tropical evergreen, dry forests, deciduous tropical and subtropical mangroves, swamps, forests, mountains, subtropical and temperate grasslands and alluvial. Density of tigers in these blocks are high, partly a response to the extraordinary biomass ungulate prey. The basic unit of social tiger is one of the basic mother and her offspring. Otherwise, they lead a solitary life, hunting singly scattered areas of forest and large animals that serve as food. They establish and maintain habitats. Resident adults of both sexes tend to limit their movements in a specific area of habitat where their needs, and, in the case of tigers, of their growing young.

Panna Tiger Reserve in an adult male tiger radio collars moved from 1.7 to 10.5 km (1.1 to 6.5 kilometers) between positions in the following days in the winter, and 1-13 9 km (0.62 - 8.6 km) in the summer. Included in the supply of housing are much smaller intervals of two girls, a tiger with her cubs and sub-adults Tigre. The house is inhabited by resident adult males tend to be mutually exclusive, although one resident male can tolerate transient or sub-adults, at least for a time. A male tiger maintains a vast area to the ranges of several females within its borders, so that it can retain the right to mate with them. Spacing among women is less complete. Habitats of men and women are not stable. Changes in the best habitat less suitable are made from animals that are resident. There are more places for women than for men inhabitants.

Seven years of camera data capture, monitoring and observation in Chitwan National Park, 6-9, 2-16 non-breeding breeding tigers, tigers and tigers 6-20 young people with less than a year are discovered in studies of 100 km2 ( 39 square miles). 4 resident males, was still alive and 3 were displaced by rivals. A tiger youth was given for dead after being photographed with serious injuries to the deer fall. Tigers are carnivores. Among the species of medium-sized prey often slain Pork boar and deer from time to time, muntjac and Gray langur. Small prey such as porcupines, hares and peacocks are a very small part of their diet. The nature of the hunting of the tiger method and prey availability results on a diet of "all or nothing" often consume 18-40 kg (40-88 lb) of meat at one time.

Bengal tigers have been known to other predators such as leopards, wolves, jackals, foxes, crocodiles, bears, Asiatic black bears laziness, and dholes as prey to take, although these predators are not typically a part of their diet. Adult elephants and rhinoceroses are too large to be successfully tackled by tigers, but these are extremely rare events. The Indian hunter and naturalist Jim Corbett described an incident in which two tigers fought and killed a large elephant. The tiger in India do not have a specific mating and birth seasons. A tiger goes into heat at intervals of about 3-9 weeks and react for 3-6 days. The boy left the territory of their mother, as young women.

A particular area of interest lies in the Terai Arc Landscape in the Himalayas in northern India and southern Nepal, where 11 protected areas consists of dry forests hills and tall grass savannas harbor tigers in a 49.000 km ² (19,000 square miles) landscape . The goals are to tigers as a single metapopulation management, the spread of nuclear shelters help maintain genetic integrity, demographic and ecological, and ensure that species and habitats is integrated in the rural development program.

The approach has been successful in reducing poaching, restoring habitats, and creating a local constituency for conservation. WWF has worked with Leonardo DiCaprio a global campaign to form, Save Tigers Now, with the ambitious aim of strengthening the population's political, financial and public double by 2022 wild tiger. Save Tigers Now campaign began in 12 priority landscapes of various WWF Tiger, from May 2010
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Beluga Whale


Animal You | Beluga Whale | The tail fin grows and becomes more curved and decorated with old animals. Preliminary studies on the life expectancy of the beluga is rarely more than 30 years. The study estimates that, therefore whales can live for 70 or even 80 years. Belugas Adult males may be 3.5 to 5.5 m (11 to 18 feet), while females measure ft (9.8 to 13.5) from 3 to 4.1 m. Males weigh 1100 to 1600 kg (2.400 pounds and 3500), sometimes up to 1,900 kg (4.200 pounds), while females from 700 to 1200 kg (1500 pounds and 2600). Are included in the types of media in toothed whales. Both sexes reach their maximum size at the time they are 10 years old. 

Between 40% and 50% of your weight is fat, which is a higher proportion than whales and dolphins who have not lived in the Arctic, where the fat is only 30% of body weight, fat forms a layer that covers the entire body except the head, and may be up to 15 cm (5.9 in.) thick. Adult beluga rarely confused with other types, as it is completely white or whitish gray. Calves are born gray, but in general, when they are one month, have become dark gray or blue-gray. The white color of the skin is an adaptation to life in the Arctic, belugas can be dressed up in ice caps to protect against their main predators, polar bears and killer contrast to other whales, seasonal moulting .

Remove found when they migrate to estuaries during the summer, rubbed on the gravel river bed, the skin that covers the toothed whales, such as a compartment over the forehead, an organ used for echolocation, even as a melon tissue containing oily fat. The head shape is different from that of all whales, such as melon is very bulbous, lobed, and is visible as a large frontal bossing. Another feature is to have the melon deformable shape changes during the transmission of sound. Beluga is capable. The head shape by blowing air around her breasts, concentrate to change the noise contained in this body oil contains fatty acids, mainly isovaleric acid (60.1%) and long chain acids (16.9%), a very different composition of their body fat, which could play a role in echolocation.

Unlike many dolphins and whales, the seven neck vertebrae are not fused, the animal turned his head to the side without turning your body. This gives the head of a lateral maneuverability, better field of vision helps capture prey and avoid predators and allows movement in deep waters. The panel has about eight to 10 small teeth blunt and slightly curved. Under normal conditions, the vent closed and an animal needs to contract muscles to open the lid vent. Beluga is a thyroid than terrestrial mammals - weighing three times more than that of a horse - which is to maintain a higher metabolism during the summer, when you live in estuaries help.

Nerves to keep the bones of the ancestors of mammals, beluga, and are rigidly connected by connective tissue. The fins are small relative to body size, rounded and slightly curved rudder and advice. These tips are mainly used as versatile rudder to control direction (10 feet) in sync with the caudal fin and the agile movement in shallow water up to 3 m depth. Finns are surrounded win a mechanism for regulating body temperature, as the arteries that feed the muscles in the fins of the veins, or extend the contract or lose heat. The dorsal fin whales instead of a dorsal fin. The pods are generally unstable, individuals tend to move pods pods sense. Hundreds or even thousands of people may be present when the pods are enclosed estuaries during the summer.

Belugas can also jokingly spit on people or other whales Belugas also show a high degree of curiosity of people in the desert, and they often swim with the boat. They also play with objects in the water, in nature, they do it with wood, plants, dead fish with bubbles and created. During the breeding season adults were observed carrying objects such as plants, networks and even the skeleton of a dead deer on the head and back. Females in captivity were also observed this behavior representation, carry objects such as buoys and floats after losing a calf, trade experts consider these interactions with objects can be a substitute for the behavior

Belugas are slower swimmers than other toothed whales, dolphins and killer as hydrodynamic as limited movement and have fewer of its fins that generate a greater extent. Unlike most whales, which are able to swim back. Beluga whales float to the surface between 5% and 10% of the time while the rest of the time swimming at a depth sufficient to cover the body. You do not jump out of the water like dolphins or whales. Each animal in captivity were at depths of 400-647 m below sea level recorded while the animals were recorded in the wild, such as diving to a depth of over 700 meters, with the highest recorded depth is 872 m. All cetacean species such as beluga whales have developed physiological adaptations to conserve oxygen underwater. One study found a female beluga was 16.5 liters of oxygen dissolved in the blood. Finally, high concentrations of myoglobin beluga muscle protein that stores oxygen in the muscles. Myoglobin concentrations are several times higher than for terrestrial mammals, helps to prevent lack of oxygen during dives

Trends in age at sexual maturity belugas vary considerably, most authors consider males reach sexual maturity when they are between four and seven years, and females reach maturity when they are between four and nine years age. The average age at which women give birth to first is 8.5 years and fertility begins to decline when he is 25 years, no births to women in the 41st Beluga females usually give birth to one calf every three years. The implantation is delayed Beluga. The young are born during a longer period, which varies by location. Milk composition studies in captivity, females have shown varies with the individual and the stage of lactation, which has an average fat content of 28%, protein 11%, 60.3% water and less 1% milk contains residual solids.The about 92 calories per ounce. The young remain dependent on their mother for care during the first year if their teeth look. Alloparenting (care of women is different from the mother) was observed in belugas in captivity spontaneous milk production and long term. This suggests that the behavior observed in other mammals can belugas released.

Belugas use sound and echolocation for movement, communication, find breathing holes in the ice, and hunting in the dark waters or disorders. Grapes arriving as an acoustic lens, the sound on a beam which is projected forward relative to the weight of the surrounding water Distributing these sounds in water at a rate of about 1.6 kilometers per second, about four times faster than the speed of sound in air. The sound waves bounce off objects and return water as echoes heard and interpreted by the animal. Around the thick ice of the Arctic to capture polinyas (areas of unfrozen water) breathing, or air pockets under the ice frozen Belugas are tests are very sensitive to noise generated by humans. Transmitted by the same person produces sounds with a maximum frequency of 100 to 120 kHz in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Belugas are one of the largest of the. Belugas use a variety of habitats, which are more common in shallow waters near the coast, but have also been reported to live for a while in deeper waters, where they feed and give birth In coastal areas, can be found in bays, fjords, canals, bays and shallow waters of the Arctic Ocean always shine sunlight.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Flying Fish


Animal You | Flying fish | Hawk live in all oceans, primarily in tropical and subtropical warm waters. Its most notable feature is their pectoral fins, which are not large, and allow the fish to hide and escape from predators, leaping out of the water and fly through the air a few feet above the water surface. Slide upward water, a flying fish moves its tail up to 70 times per second. It spreads its pectoral fins and tilts slightly upward to support. Fish is to increase their time in the air flying straight or at an angle to the direction of air currents created by a combination of air waves and sea.From 1900-1930, flying fish studied as potential models used to construct the plane. Predators include dolphins, tuna, marlin, birds, squids and porpoises.

Creature spent 45 seconds in flight. Flying fish are commercially fished in Japan, Vietnam and China through gillnets, and Indonesia and India for dipnetting. In Japanese cuisine, the fish are often preserved by drying. Kite is part of the national dish of Barbados, known as cou-cou and flying fish. Historically, Barbados has been called "the land of the flying fish", which is now the official national fish Once abundant, migrated between the warm coral-filled Atlantic Ocean surrounding the islands of Barbados and plankton-rich outflows of the Orinoco River in Venezuela.

Only after the completion of the port of Bridgetown / deepwater port in Bridgetown, Barbados saw an increase of ship visits, which connects the island with the world. Moreover, Barbados overfishing pushed them closer to the Orinoco River delta, no longer returning to Barbados in large numbers. Today, the only hawk migrate north to Tobago, about 120 nautical miles (220 km, 140 miles) south-west of Barbados. Despite the changes, flying fish remain a coveted delicacy.

Moreover, performances and actual hologram flying fish also in the passport of Barbados. Lately, the flying fish are also gaining popularity in other islands, fueling several maritime disputes. In 2006, the Council of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea establishes the boundary between Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago for the flying fish dispute, which gradually increased tensions between the neighbors. Fishermen still southern Barbados flying fish.  

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