Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Siberian Tiger


Animal You | Siberian Tiger | The Siberian tiger is yellow or rusty red, with black stripes thin cross. The body length is not less than 150 cm (60 inches), the length of the skull condylobasal 250 mm (10 inches), zygomatic width 180 mm (7 inches) and the length of the upper carnassial tooth more than 26 mm (1 inch ) long. Generally, 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) longer than the Bengal tiger, which is about 107-110 cm (42-43 inches) tall. The measures taken by scientists Siberian Tiger Project in Sikhote-Alin range 178-208 cm (70 to 82) of the head and body length measured in a straight line, with an average of 195 cm (77 inches) males and females ranging from 167 to 182 cm (66-72 inches) with an average of 174 cm (69 inches). The tail is an average of 99 cm (39 inches) in males and 91 cm (36 inches) in females.

The longest male "Maurice" measured 309 cm (122 inches) in total length (tail of 101 cm (40 inches)) and had a circumference of 127 cm (50 inches). The longest women "Maria Ivanna" measure 270 cm (110 inches) in total length (tail of 88 cm (35 inches)) and had a circumference of 108 cm (43 inches). These measurements show that the present Amur tiger is longer than the Bengal tiger and the African lion. According to modern research of wild Siberian tigers in Sikhote-Alin, an average adult male over 35 months weighs 176.4 kg (389 lbs), the average asymptotic limit is 222.3 kg (490 lbs) adult tigress weighs 117.9 kg (260 lb). The mean weight of historical Siberian tigers is supposed to be higher: 215.3 kg (475 pounds) for males and 137.5 kg Tigers (303 lb) for women. In May 2011, a man named "Banzai" weighing 207 kg (460 lb) has a radio collar. The queue length in the mature male is about 1 m (39 inches). In some cases, Siberian tigers in captivity reached a body weight of up to 465 kg (1,030 pounds), like the tiger "Jaipur".

The skull of the Siberian tiger is distinguished by its larger overall size, as well as the development of its sagittal crest, whose height and strength exceeds that of other tigers and lions. The variation in the size of the skulls of Siberian tigers varies from 331-383 mm (13.0 to 15.1 inches) measured in nine individuals. Female skulls range from 279.7 to 310.2 mm (11.01 to 12.21 cm). Turkestan skull length men had a length of 297.0 to 365.8 mm (11.69 to 14.40 cm), while females measured from 195.7 to 255.5 mm (7.70 to 10, 06 cm). In January 1954, a dead tiger in the Kopet-Dag Sumbar had a maximum length of skull 385 mm (15.2 inches), which is considerably larger than the known maximum for this population and slightly exceeds that of most tigers in the Far East. However, it was only condylobasal length 305 mm (12.0 inches) smaller than those of the Amur tigers, with a maximum length of 342 mm recorded condylobasal (13.5 inches). The largest skull of a measure Manchuria Siberian tiger of 406 mm (16.0 inches) long, which is about 20-30 mm (0.79 to 1.2 inches) longer than the maximum length skull obtained by Amur tigers and northern India.

The background color of the layer of the Siberian tiger is often very pale, especially in the winter coat. However, variations within populations can be considerable. Compared with the population now extinct, west of summer, the Siberian tiger and the Far East winter coats contrast sharply with other subspecies. The summer coat is coarse, while the winter coat is denser, longer, softer and silky. The hair on the back summer is 15-17 mm (0.59 to 0.67 inches) long, 30-50 mm (1.2-2.0 inches) along the top of the neck, 25-35 mm (0, 98 to 1.4 inches) in the abdomen, and 14-16 mm (0.55 to 0.63 inches) tail. The skin in winter back is 40-50 mm (1.6 to 2.0 inches), 70-110 mm (2.8 to 4.3 inches) above the neck, 70-95 mm ( 2.8 to 3.7 cm) 100 throat 60 mm (2.4 to 3.9 inches) to the chest and 65-105 mm (2.6 to 4.1 inches) in the abdomen. The whiskers are 90-115 mm (3.5 to 4.5 inches). This region represents a melting zone of two biogeographic regions: East Asia coniferous and deciduous boreal complex and the complex, resulting in a mosaic of forest types varies with altitude, topography and history. Key habitats for the Amur tiger are Korean pine forests with a complex composition and structure. Sika deer are confined to the southern half of the Sikhote-Alin mountain.

The number of Amur tigers in China is estimated at 18-22. Over 90% of the population is in the region of Sikhote Alin An unknown number of surviving tigers in the reserve areas around Baekdu Mountain, based on the slopes and local observations. Siberian tigers reach sexual maturity at age four. A comprehensive genetic sampling of 95 wild tigers Russian remarkably low genetic diversity, the effective population size extremely small compared to the size of the population census, the population behaves as if it were only 27-35 people. The winter of 2006-2007 was characterized by heavy poaching. In recent years, the last viable population Siberian tiger in Russia is limited to Ussuriland. Legal tiger hunting in the Soviet Union will continue until 1947, when it was officially banned. In 1980, it was estimated that the Siberian tiger population consisted of approximately 250 animals. Traps heat detection camera installed in the DMZ in South Korea has been no tigers.
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Saturday, February 9, 2013



Animal You | Scorpion | Scorpions are found on all major land masses except Antarctica. The greatest diversity of scorpions in the Northern Hemisphere is in the subtropics between the latitudes 23 ° N and 38 ° N. Be found in these latitudes, the diversity, the presence north of scorpions are the Scorpion Paruroctonus Boreas north to 50 ° N. Scorpions are now in almost all terrestrial habitats, including high altitude mountains, caves and intertidal zones, found with the exception of boreal ecosystems such as the tundra, high altitude taiga and the permanently snow-capped mountains different. Five colonies of scorpions (Euscorpius flavicaudis) established themselves in Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey in the UK. This scorpion species is small and completely harmless to humans. This marks the northern limit of where scorpions live in the wild.

Scorpions are many fossils, including the Silurian deposits, coal deposits from the Carboniferous marina and Bernstein found. The oldest known scorpions lived around 430 million years ago in the Silurian period, on the bottom of shallow tropical waters. These first scorpions had gills instead of lungs book its current form. "Currently, 111 fossil species of scorpion are known. Unusually for arachnids, there are several species of scorpion Paleozoic or Mesozoic Cenozoic that. Grow different types everywhere could Eurypterida 10 centimeters (3.9 inches) long and 2.5 m (8.2 feet). The cephalothorax, also called the prosoma comprises the carapace, eyes, chelicerae (mouth parts), pedipalps (the pedipalps of scorpions have pincers, claws or commonly called claws). And four pairs of walking legs scorpion's exoskeleton is thick and durable and offers good protection from predators. Scorpions two eyes on the upper surface of the carapace, and usually 2-5 pairs of eyes along the front corners of the cephalothorax.

The pedipalp segmented, chelate (clawed frog) is added to immobilize the prey, defense, and sensory purposes. A Scorpio called darkened or granular raised ridges linear "keel" or taxonomically keels pedipalp segments and other parts of the body that are useful. Segment 2 is the basal plate with pectins. Each of the segments 3-7 mesosomal has a pair of vents, openings for the scorpion's respiratory organs, known as the lungs of the book. This fluorescence may play a role in detecting light scorpion. Scorpions have quite variable duration and actual duration of most species is not known. Scorpions. Yes in areas where temperatures can live 20-37 ° C (68-99 ° F), but subzero temperatures to survive the desert heat Scorpiops Scorpions kind of living in the mountains can bothriurid Asian scorpions from Patagonia and small scorpions Euscorpius Central all survive winter temperatures of about -25 ° C (-13 ° F). In Repetek (Turkmenistan), there live seven species of scorpions (referred Pectinibuthus birulai is endemic) in temperatures between -31-50 ° C (-24-122 ° F).

Scorpions exhibit photophobic behavior, especially for the recognition by their enemies, such as birds, centipedes, lizards, mice, possums and rats escape. Scorpions are opportunistic predators, small arthropods, although the larger species known to kill small lizards and mice. Scorpions have an unusual way of eating with chelicerae, small claw-like structures. Scorpions can only feed in liquid form, have external digestion. Any solid nondigestible (fur, exoskeleton, etc.) captured from pre-bristle cavity, which is expelled through the scorpion. Scorpions can consume large amounts of food in one sitting. This enables scorpions to survive long when deprived of food, some are able to survive 6 to 12 months of starvation. Scorpions differ very little, and their insoluble residues consisting mainly of nitrogen-containing compounds such as xanthine, guanine, and uric acid. Most scorpions reproduce sexually, and most species have males and females. However, some species such as Hottentotta hottentotta, caboverdensis Hottentotta, australasiae Liocheles, Tom columbianus, metuendus Tom, Tom serrulatus, stigmurus Tom, Tom Tom and trivittatus urugayensis to reproduce by parthenogenesis, develop a process in which unfertilised eggs of living embryos. Parthenogenetic reproduction begins after the last molting scorpion maturity and continues thereafter.

Sexual reproduction is accomplished by the transfer of a spermatophore of male to female, scorpions have a cut and complex mating ritual to do so. The courtship begins with understanding the male from the female with his pedipalps, the pair then "dance" as "ride à deux". This "dance", the male, the female leads in the search for a suitable place to deposit his spermatophore. When the male has identified a suitable location, he deposits the spermatophore and then the door female. Once the pairing is complete, the male and female will separate. The male generally retreat quickly, most likely to avoid being exploited by the female, although sexual cannibalism is common with scorpions. All known scorpion species possess venom and use it primarily to kill or paralyze their prey so that it can be eaten. The 1000 + known species of scorpion, only 25 have venom that is deadly to humans, most which are of the family Buthidae. 

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Friday, February 8, 2013



Animal You | Impala | Impala are sexually dimorphic. Are 75 and 95 cm (30 and 37 inches) high. Average mass of 40-75 kg male Impala (88-170 pounds), while women weighing 30-50 kg (66-110 lbs). Women, known as sheep without horns. It has distinctive black and white stripes on the back and tail of black impala in very few places in Africa, is a very rare form causes a recessive gene, the color black in these animals. Impala have scent glands in the skin of the hind legs and sebaceous glands fall on your head. Impala is an ecotone 'live in open forests with little undergrowth and grassland with low average height "types. Impalas are adaptable forage. Usually in the grass and change with the seasons navigation. During the dry season, browse the leaves, buds, seeds and shrubs. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs hunting impala.

Impala, like other small sized African antelope, have a special agreement within the mandible similar steps strepsirrhine primates during comb hair to use and remove ectoparasites. Women and young form herds of up to 200 people. When food is plentiful, adult males will establish territories. Territorial males are herds around women who serve their country and travel to the singles that follow. Also deter weaned males. A male impala tries to prevent the female to leave the area. Great form, mixed tranquil herds of men and women. Young male impala over his flock had to leave in a bachelor herd of about 30 personas.La impala breeding season, also grind begins at the end of the rainy season in May. By isolating birth, a female impala herd. When frightened or anxious, the whole herd starts to jump to confuse predators. Can distances greater than 10 m (33 ft) and 3 m jump (9 feet) in the air, exploding in a beautiful impala jump.

Serengeti, Ruaha and Selous (Tanzania), Luangwa Valley (Zambia), Okavango (Botswana), Hwange, Sebungwe and the Zambezi Valley (Zimbabwe), Kruger National Park (South Africa) and in private companies and protected areas (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia). The rare black-faced impalas survive in Etosha National Park in Namibia and private companies. 

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Howler Monkey


Animal You | Howler Monkey | Howler monkeys have a short snout and nose mostly rounded. Their noses are very enthusiastic, and Howler can feel their food (especially fruits and nuts) to 2 km. Like many New World monkeys have taken code. Unlike other New World monkeys, howler monkeys males and females have trichromatic vision color. This has evolved independently from other New World monkeys due to gene duplication. Howler are dimorphic species can also be dichromatic (ie, caraya Alouatta). The howler quadruped moving in the highest branches, usually choose a branch with at least two hands or one hand and the tail at any time.

Howler monkeys mature adults often rely on the support line for the whole body, while the young do it more often. The majority of the species of howler monkeys live in groups of six to 15 animals, from one to three adult men and women different. Mantled howler monkeys are an exception, usually live in groups of 15-20 people with more than three adult males. Unlike most New World monkeys, which is a graph group sex, young people of both sexes emigrate from their natal group, so that the howler monkeys could spend most of their adult life costs, in collaboration with monkeys non-relatives.

Group size varies depending on the species and location, a man respected for men, women four girls. Each room has an enlarged hyoid bone or basihyal help their vocalizations strong. Entries consist of "crying" strong and deep and guttural grunts. Howler monkeys are widely regarded as the strongest animal on earth. Howlers eat mainly top canopy leaves of fruit, buds, flowers and nutsHowler monkeys are also known to occasionally attack birds' nests and consume eggs and poultry. While seldom aggressive, howler monkeys, do not mix well to captivity and moodiness. However, the black howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) is a relatively common monkey in contemporary Argentina, because of their gentle nature, against the aggressive tendencies of capuchin monkeys, despite their lack of intelligence, and liabilities affected by the size of their strong men droppings and sounds. Copán is particularly known for his depictions of deities howler.
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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Harbor Porpoise


Animal You | Harbor Porpoise | Pigs are a bit smaller than other porpoises, about 67-85 cm (26-33 inches) long at birth, 6.4 to 10 kg. Fins, dorsal fin, caudal fin and a dark gray back. Party a little easier variegated gray. Pigs English word comes from the Old French (French pourpois porpais 12 cents). What porcopiscus medieval Latin, which is a compound porcus (pork) and piscus (fish). An old word, probably a loan translation of German words, Friday marsvin mereswijn Danish and Dutch (porpoises). Classical Latin had a similar name, porculus Marina, and the idea of the name, probably imaginary nose looks like pigs or pigs breathing sound that resembles a pig snoring.

Taxonomic species RNosaepa rNosaepa name, the Greek form verlatijnste φώκαινα, phōkaina "Great Seal", as described by Aristotle, he φώκη, phōkē "printing." Pig widespread species in the cold coastal waters of the North Atlantic the North Pacific and the Black Sea. population of these regions, current and classified as a subspecies of P. separate Phocoena g in the North Atlantic and West Africa, P. relicta was in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, the persons named in the Pacific Northwest and P. g vomerina in the northeast Pacific. In the Atlantic port porpoises may be in a curved strip of water off the coast of West Africa to the coast of Spain, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and the east coast of the United States. Pig has a total population of 700,000 people. Areas with a large number include the North Sea, where about 350,000 pigs, as well as in the Gulf of Maine / Bay of Fundy region, the West Coast and Alaska.

Porpoises prefer temperate and subarctic waters. When in deeper waters, guinea pigs can operate in water as fish pearlsides. Young pigs approximately 7% to 8% of their body weight consumed each day to survive, which is about 15 pounds or 7 kg of fish. Predators include porpoises white sharks and killer whales (orcas). Dive into 220m porpoises were reported. Porpoises of social life are not well understood. They are generally considered solitary species. Most of the time, the pig alone or in groups of five animals. Porpoises analysis. Males produce large quantities of seed, perhaps sperm competition. 10.11 months pregnant pigs usually. Porpoises were traditionally hunted for their meat and their cries, used to relieve fuel. Thousands of guinea pigs is the end of the 19th century and still clinging on a smaller scale during the world wars. In prehistoric times, this animal hunting people Alby on the east coast of the island of Öland, Sweden.

Population of harbor porpoises in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Northwest Atlantic, Black Sea and North-West Africa listed in Annex II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species Wild Animals (CMS). The greatest threat to pigs are static methods of fishing, such as gill nets and Hill. Bycatch from the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the east coast of the United States and Canada. Porpoise explosion device called an acoustic transmitter designed to keep pigs from the network, and many studies have shown to be very effective in reducing the confusion. However, the question was raised about the noise pollution created to reduce ping and if their effectiveness over time with pigs that live sound.
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Animal You | Groundhog | In areas with fewer natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with the members of the court, yet powerful curved claws and thick. Adapted to temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense layer and a layer of gray streaks in her that the groundhog its distinctive appearance "frozen" indicates. In captivity, groundhogs are reported to live 14.9 years. Common predators for groundhogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, lynxes, bears, large hawks and dogs. Marmotte young people are often at risk for predation by snakes, which easily enter the burrow. Mostly herbivorous, groundhogs primarily eat wild grasses and plants, including berries and agricultural crops when available. Groundhogs also eat worms, grasshoppers, insects, snails and other small animals, but they are omnivores like most other Sciuridae.

Hydrates marmots eat green leafy plants, instead of drinking from a fountain. Groundhogs are excellent burrowers, using burrows for sleeping, rearing young, and hibernating. The average groundhog has been estimated at about 1 m3 (35 cubic feet) or 320 kg (710 pounds) of the moving soil by digging a hole. Though groundhogs are the most solitary of the marmots, several people occupy the same burrow. Groundhog burrows usually 2-5 tickets, providing groundhogs principal means to escape predators. Groundhogs are one of the few species that enter into true hibernation, and often a "winter burrow" just build for this purpose. Woodchucks are primarily daytime.

Despite its large size, the marmots are expert swimmers and tree climbers or escape predators excellent if you want to explore your surroundings. Groundhogs may squeal when fighting, can seriously wounded by an enemy or other sounds marmots are low and a barking sound produced by grinding your teeth when marmots are afraid, the hair of the tail of the state, giving the appearance a tail hair brush. The breeding season runs from early March to mid or late April, after hibernation. The waste is produced annually, usually by 5:58 blind and helpless young bald. Young groundhogs are weaned and ready for their own burrows least five to six weeks old to search. The groundhog prefers open country and forest edges, and rarely far from a burrow entrance. Groundhogs are often hunted for sport, which tends to control their numbers.  This Marmot an animal known to many people in the United States and Canada. Groundhogs raised in captivity can be socialized relatively easily, but their aggressive nature can pose problems.

United States and Canada, the annual Groundhog Day Groundhog given recognition and popularity, and the film of the same name. Most of them are popularly known groundhogs Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil, well maintained low Groundhog Day festivities in Wiarton, Ontario and Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, respectively. A famous southern groundhog, General Beauregard Lee, is based on the Yellow River Game Ranch outside Atlanta, Georgia.If infected with woodchuck hepatitis B, are 100% risk of developing liver cancer, making them a good model for testing treatments for hepatitis B and liver cancer. Although archaeologists have never dug Ufferman site, there are many objects found thanks to the activities of the local groundhogs.
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Gray Whale


Animal You | Gray Whale | The gray whale is traditionally defined as the only living beings in its genus and family. Recent DNA analysis shows some family Balaenopteridae Razorbacks as the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, and fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus stronger in gray whales whales as some others, such as minke whales are related. The common name of the whale comes from the color. The now extinct subfossil gray whales along the Atlantic coast of England and Sweden remains gray is used for the first scientific description of a kind only in Pacific waters to survive. Many other names are assigned to the gray whale, including desert whale, monkfish, gray back, mussel digger and pull the thread. The gray whale is a slate gray and dark was covered with gray-white patterns, scars caused by parasites that are cold in their diet. Individual whales are usually identified with photos of their dorsal surface and connected to scars and blemishes match parasites from cases of the whale, or even apply.

Measure the gray whale, 16 feet (4.9 m) in length for newborns 43-50 feet (women tend to be slightly larger than males) (13-15 m) for adults. Newborns are dark gray to black. An adult gray whale can be up to 40 tonnes (39 tons long, 44 short tons)., With a typical range of 15-33 tons (15-32 tonnes in length, 17 to 36 short tons) The gray whale also lacks a dorsal fin, instead of tilting 6-12 dorsal ("Together") which projections on the middle line of the back, the worms. Both male and female whales puberty around the age of eight. Women show strong play synchronized estrus in late November and early December. This unique event ovulation is of the opinion that the annual migration of the species agree that births in warmer waters. Men also show seasonal changes, that an increase in testicular mass suffering heat eventually women correlates. The gestation period of gray whales is 13.5 months. The calf is born tail first and measures about 4 meters (13 feet) long. The waters of the shallow lagoon where gray whales breed is believed to be the newborn sharks and orcas to protect.

Usually, animals in northern waters during the summer driving and opportunistic feeding during migration, depending primarily on its extensive fat reserves. Gray whale calf drinking 50-80 liters (190 to 300 liters) of milk from their mothers 53% fat per day. The main food habitat of the western Pacific subpopulation is. Some gray whales were also seen in western Kamchatka, but so far all whales photographed, known Piltun area. Every year in October, as the northern ice pushed south and small groups of gray whales in the eastern Pacific that begin with a two or three months, 8000-11000 km south-career (5000-6800 miles). Western gray whales summer in the Sea of Okhotsk, in particular, on the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island (Russia). Day and night, the average gray whale about 120 kilometers (75 miles) per day, with an average speed of 8 kilometers per hour (5 mph). The whale watching industry provides ecotourists and marine mammal enthusiasts the ability to create groups of gray whales that migrate see.

In late December and early January in the eastern gray start to the lagoons of Baja delivery to reach. The three most popular lakes Scammon Lagoon (formerly known in English as Scammon Lagoon after whaleman Charles Melville Scammon those holes discovered in the 1850s and drove the gray shades), San Ignacio and Magdalena.  These whales are the first women, mostly pregnant women who want to protect the lagoons to bear their calves, along with single women looking for couples. Mid-February to mid-March, the majority of the population lived in ponds, gray whales with lactation, parturition and mating. In February and March, the first from the lagoons are men and women without children. A population of about 200 gray whales stay along the eastern Pacific coast from Canada to California in the summer, not to trip over the waters of Alaska to make. This summer resident group is known as the Pacific Coast Food Group. Gray whales were safe from commercial whaling by the International Whaling Commission (IWC), published since 1949, and is no longer widely hunting.

Limited hunting of gray whales since, but especially in the Chukotka region in northeastern Russia, where a large number of gray whales spend the summer months. This yacht was under a 'traditional subsistence whaling / "may be exempted from the ban on commercial whaling. Currently, the annual quota for whaling in the gray area of 140 per year. Killed except a gray whale in 1999, the Makah people hunting prevented by a series of legal challenges. Since 2008, the IUCN is the gray whale as "least concern" from the viewpoint of protection. The CBI Bowheads subcommittee, Right and Gray in 2011 to preserve endangered western gray whale is large due to the small size of the population and the potential impact of human activities. In breeding grounds in Baja California, Mexican law protects whales in the lagoons, and thus makes it possible whale watching. Gray whales belong to the Canadian Species at Risk Act, the Canadian government consider preparing management plans for whales and necessary for the development interests of protected whales.

Migrating gray whales off the Pacific coast was observed for the first time since Marineland of the Pacific in Palos Verdes, California. The gray whale census has recorded an immigration official gray whale census data on population migration of Pacific gray whale is keeping the Pacific gray whale in 1985. This census is the largest census operation Pacific gray whales.
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Animal You | Gibbon | A unique aspect of the anatomy Gibbon is the pulse, there is a ball joint, biaxial movement. Gibbons hands and feet as long, with a deep cleft between the first and second digits of their hands. The dental formula, the siamang, which is the largest of the 17 species is trapped by two toes on each foot, distinguish, hence the generic name and species and Symphalangus syndactylus. Gibbons are social animals. Gibbons are masters of their primary mode of locomotion, brachiation, swinging from branch to branch to a distance of 15 m (50 ft), at speeds up to 55 km / h (34 mph). The Gibbons ball-and-socket joints allow them unmatched speed and accuracy by swinging through the trees.

Sinologist Robert van Gulik the gibbons have been completed in central and southern China spread, at least until the Song Dynasty, and also on the basis of an analysis of the references to primates in Chinese literature and its representation in Chinese painting, Chinese word yuan (猿) referred specifically to gibbons until they should be resolved for most countries due to habitat destruction (about 14th century). The first Chinese writers saw the "noble" gibbons, moving up through the trees, dressed as "men" (jūnzǐ, 君子) forests, unlike macaques greedy human food. Taoists attributed occult properties Gibbons believe she is able to live for hundreds of years to become human beings.

Gibbons later became a popular subject for Chinese painters, especially during the Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty, as YI Yuanji Muqi Fǎcháng and excelled in painting these monkeys. In Chinese cultural influence, why Zen "gibbon enter the reflection of the moon  in the water" became popular in Japanese art, and even if it is not safe Gibbons Japan. 

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Giant Otter


Animal You | Giant Otter | The giant otter has a handful of other names. Giant Otter" translates as giant otters and giant otters in Spanish and Portuguese, respectively, quarter or Ariranha ariraí name is also in use in South America. The giant otter is significantly different from other otters by morphological and behavioral characteristics. It is the maximum length of the body of all species of the family Mustelidae, otters, although heavier. The animal muscular tail can add another 70 cm (28 inches) of the total body length. Early reports skins and live animals exceptionally large males give to 2.4 m (7.9 ft); intensive hunting likely reduced the occurrence of such massive specimens. (57-71 pounds) and 22 kg for males and 26 pounds (49 and 57) for women The giant otter is the shortest of all kinds Otter skins is usually chocolate brown or reddish brown, but looks almost black when wet skin is very tight, so that no water can penetrate. Giant Otters use these marks to recognize each other and meet up with other otters, they resort to behavior as "periscoping" the neck and upper chest to the other famous shows.

Giant Otter snouts are short and inclined to give head and a ball. Whiskers are very sensitive to the giant otter (vibrissae) the animal to enable changes in the water pressure and flow, which track the tracking prey helps. Very suitable for life in the water, close your ears and nose under water. In other otter species, the vision is usually normal or slightly myopic, both on land and in water. The giant otter has acute hearing and an excellent sense of smell. The giant otter is an animal, in particular with a complex repertoire of loud sounds. All otters produce sounds, but by the speed and volume, the giant otter is the hardest. Growls and coos are reassuring in the group. Newborn puppies screaming for attention, while older teens moaning as they begin to participate in the group. The giant otter is a very social animal and lives in extended families. Grandes figures may reflect two or three families temporarily feeding together) groups are strongly cohesive: the otters sleep, travel, play and eat together. Members of the group to share roles structured by the dominant breeding pair. The species is territorial groups to identify their coverage of latrines, gland secretions and sounds.

Aggression within a species ("intraspecific" conflict) are documented. Defense seems to be cooperative intruders Animals: While adult men in general lead aggressive encounters, cases of alpha females guarding groups. Although it is not the big predators rarely reign intraspecific aggression is rare among species of otter, and suggest Ribas Mourão a correlation with the animal sociality, which is also rare otters among others. A capacity for aggressive behavior should not exaggerate with the giant otter. The researchers emphasize that generally assumed between groups, conflict prevention. Within the groups, the animals are very quiet and cooperative. Group hierarchies are not rigid and easy sharing of roles animals. Build giant otters caves, holes dug in banks, usually with multiple input multiple cameras inside. They give birth in caves during the dry season. In Cantao State Park, Otter reproductive dig their burrows on the banks of the lakes that begin around July, when the water is already quite low. This makes it easier for adults enough fish for the growing young and begin to learn to fish. The whole group, including non-reproductive adults, older siblings of the puppies this year, together, enough to catch fish for young people.

The details of the giant otter reproduction and life cycle are scarce, and captive animals have much of the information provided. Women seem light years running, but in nature, births during the dry season may be peaking. Mothers give birth to her puppies and blind in an underground cave near the river, and fishing. The animal is sexually mature two years and two young men and women from the group permanently after two or three years. The giant otter is very sensitive to human activities in the education of their young. The longest documented giant otters in the wild is eight years. Parasites, such as the larvae of flies and various worms, also affect the giant otter. The giant otter is a predator, and the population status reflects the overall health of river ecosystems. A whole year of study giant otters found droppings in the Brazilian Amazon fish in all stools. Remnants of medium sized fish species that were relatively shallow water is preferred, probably for the giant otter are visual orientation benefit. Prey species were sedentary, mostly swim short distances, the giant otter predation can help. The giant otter seems to be opportunistic, some local species.

The species can hunt alone, in pairs and in groups based on vision to find prey. In some cases, even cooperative hunting accidental, the result of the members of the group individually Fishing nearby coordinated hunting really can only occur if the dam can not be performed by a giant otters example, anacondas and the black caiman. The giant otter seems prey fish that generally immobile prefer clear water in riverbeds. Giant Otters catch their food and consume immediately, but the catch of the fish firmly between his legs and start smack in the head. Other aquatic habitats are freshwater springs and permanent freshwater lakes. Duplaix identified two critical factors in the choice of habitat: food supply, which appears positively correlated with shallow water and a low slope with good coverage and easy access to your favorite water types. The giant otter seems clear and black water with rocky or sandy, loamy select saltier and whitewater. Giant Otters to remove large amounts of vegetation in the construction of their camps.

In flooded areas, otters leave campsites during the wet season, the flooded forest disperse in search of prey perennials can be assumed, often on a hill. Dry season range of particle size analysis three groups of otters were found in Ecuador varies from 0.45 to 2.79 square miles (0.17 and 1.08 square miles). Other researchers suggest that approximately 7 square miles observed (2.7 square miles) and a strong negative correlation between sociality and habitat size, has a very small social giant otter home range than expected for its kind crowd. Adult giant otters have no serious natural enemies, except man.  Not conflict with the species in Suriname When in the water, facing the giant otter endangered animals is to use not necessary: the electric eels and rays are potentially deadly if stumbled and piranhas are able to at least one bite of giant otters take , as evidenced by the scars on individuals. Although no direct predation, the giant otter or other predators competing for food sources. Duplaix documented interaction with the otters. The otter is active during dusk and darkness, that the possibility of a conflict with the giant otter day decreases. His little booty holes different habits, and preferred types of water also reduce interaction.

Other species similar food sources are the alligators and large fish are piscivorous itself. Gymnotids, like the electric eel, catfish and large catfish waters are competitors. Two river dolphins, the Boto tucuxi potentially compete with the giant otter, but the use of different spatial and diet suggest minimal overlap While the range, the giant otter interacts with indigenous groups who practice often traditional hunting and fishing. A study of five indigenous communities in Colombia suggests that attitudes towards the indigenous animals are a danger: otters are often seen as a burden that interferes with fish, and sometimes die. School, however, had a positive impression of the animal. In Suriname, the giant otter is a traditional human prey for hunters who offers some protection. (One researcher, the giant otter is hunted only in despair because of their terrible taste.) Animal sometimes drowning in nets were rivers and machete attacks by fishermen observed by Duplaix, but "tolerance is the rule" in Suriname. Logging, hunting and cub seizure led to the groups, more careful of human activity. It plays an important role in the mythology of the Achuar people, where otters are seen as a way to Tsunki or water spirits: they are a kind of "water people" who eat fish. The Bororo have a legend about the origin of snuff use: people with a leaf were not punished by swallowing transformed into giant otter, the Bororo also associate giant otter with fish and with fire. Legend has it that the giant otter Ticuna exchanged places jaguar jaguar story says that once in the water, and the giant otter life came to earth, just to eat. Kichwa indigenous people of the Amazon in Peru believed in a world of water where Yaku runa reigned as mother water and was entrusted with the care of fish and animals. Giant Otter served as Yaku Rune canoes.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Animal You | Gelada | While Theropithecus gelada is the only surviving species of the species are separated, the species known from the fossil T. brumpti, T. and T. Dart Sant'Osvaldo, earlier in Simopithecus sex. Theropithecus, while currently limited in Ethiopia, is also of fossils found in Africa and the Mediterranean in Asia, including South Africa, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain and known in India, specifically in Mirzapur, Cueva Victoria, Pirro Nord, Terni Fine , Hadar, Turkana, Makapansgat and Swartkrans. The Gelada is big and strong. it covered with bright yellow dark, coarse hair and a pale face with dark eyes.

Adult males have a long, heavy coat of hair on his back. The Gelada has a flat face with a short muzzle closer to a chimpanzee, baboon can. It also physically be distinguished from a baboon by the light patches of skin on the breast . This patch is hourglass-shaped. The brilliant red of the men and is surrounded by white hair on women is much less pronounced. However, when in estrus, the female patch lighter and a "chain" with fluid-filled blisters to form on the pavement. This is seen analogous to the swollen buttocks in most baboons living inspiration Moreover, women have buttons on the skin around the patch Geladas developed well ischial callosities

The Gelada has various settings for the country-and-grass (grass-eating) lifestyle. It has small, strong fingers are adjusted pulled grass and narrow, small incisors to chew. The Gelada has random known a single step, the gait which is to perform. Geladas are found only in the high plains of the deep gorges of the central plateau of Ethiopia. If both leaves and seeds are available, the. Geladas favorite for the seeds They also eat flowers, rhizomes and roots, if available, digging with their hands for the last two. They also consume grasses, small plants, fruits, vines, shrubs and bushes. During the dry season, herbs and aromatic plants ate less preferred. Geladas consume their food more than ungulates, primates, and can chew your food as effectively zebras.

Geladas are primarily diurnal. At night they sleep on the ledges of the cliffs. When the morning ends, tend to reduce social activities and foraging focusing Geladas. When evening comes, show Geladas more social activity before sleep to the rocks down. When in estrus, the female shows his back for a male and lifts her, wagging his tail to the side. The male approaches the female, and then checks the breasts and genital area. A woman is five times pairs a day, usually around noon. Infants have red faces and closed his eyes, and covered with black hair. Newborns weigh on average 464 g women who have just given birth to the periphery of the unit remain reproduction. Other adult females may have an interest in children and even kidnapped. When steamed, teenagers and children can gather to play in groups of about 10 people. When men reach the age of puberty, they gather in groups unstable regardless of the reproductive unit. Average life expectancy in the wild is 19 years. Geladas adults use a varied repertoire of sounds different purposes such as: contact, reassurance, appeasement, invitation, ambivalence, aggression and defense. Geladas specify whether the gestures as well. A Gelada explains the run or created.
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Fur Seal


Animal You | Fur Seal | Until recently, sea lions were grouped under a subfamily called pinnipeds Arctocephalinae, to contrast with Sea Lion Wolves on the basis of the key attribute, namely the coat of dense fur mixed with hairs. Recent genetic data, however, suggests that Callorhinus is more closely related to some species of sea lions and fur seals / sealion subfamily distinction has disappeared from many taxonomies. However, all fur seals have certain features in common: the skin, smaller sizes generally move more and more power, smaller and more abundant prey and sexual dimorphism. Fur seals share with other seals may repent of their hind legs and go on all fours. Sea lions are generally smaller than sea lions less than 1 meter (3 feet 3 inches), the Galápagos_fur_seal is the smallest of all pinnipeds. All species are polygamous, ie dominant males mate with more than one wife. While men fur seals North and aggressively defend women choose specific in their harems, the males of the species of sea lions in the south tend to spatial areas to protect, and women are free to choose your partner based on their own preferences or the social hierarchy.

The rest of the year, a largely pelagic sea life sea lions for their prey, which is abundant and plentiful hunting. Fur seals feed on medium sized fish, squid and krill. Different types of sea lions also South seabirds, penguins, especially in the context of their seals diets.The themselves the prey of sharks, killer whales and sea lions sometimes more. Many species of fur seals were heavily exploited by commercial hunters, especially during the 19th century, when his skin was much appreciated. Many populations of Guadalupe, including fur seals, fur seals and fur seals at Cape have suffered dramatic declines and are still recovering.  

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