Saturday, January 26, 2013

Harp Seal


Animal You | Harp Seal | The harp is a silver body pretty face. His eyes are pure black. He harp or black triangle marks on the back. Baby Harp Seals (PUP) has a coat of yellow-white at birth, but after three days, the hair is white and remains white for about 12 days. Adult seals grow long you 1.7 to 2.0 meters (5-6 feet) and 140-190 kg (300-400 lb) in weight. Harp seals combine anatomical and behavioral approaches to their body, instead of increasing your metabolism and energy management. A thick layer of fat insulates the body and provides energy when food is scarce or during fasting. Blubber also streamlines your body to swim efficiently. Fins act as heat exchangers, heating or cooling the blood necessary. In ice, the seal together use their front flippers of your body and hind flippers to reduce heat loss Your retina is dominated bar and supported by a tapetum lucidum as a cat and reflection, increasing the sensitivity in low light. A lack of tear ducts, is "screaming" to suppress their tears. On the ice, the mother identifies their children by smell. Underwater, the seal closes his nose and smell everything.

Newborns weigh about 11 kg (24 lbs) and 80-85 cm (31-33 inches) tall. After birth, the mother feeds the dog. Seal milk contains up to 48% fat, so pups gain more than 2.2 kg (4.9 pounds) per day. Meanwhile, the lowest of the "Grey Coat" grows beneath the white neonatal coat, and weighs 80 pounds (36 kg). Weaning is cruel, nursing mothers exchange coupling promiscuity, leaving little on the ice. As the procession begins on the ice, mating usually occurs in the water. Beach puppy cries at first, then maintain sedentary body. At about 13-14 months of age, the puppies move to a bedlamer

The harp seal population is found in three different populations, each of which uses a specific hatchery. The population is divided into two different herds based on breeding location. A second action races in the "West Ice" in eastern Greenland. A third stock breeds on the "East Ice" in the White Sea, off the coast of Russia. Mating takes place between mid-February and April, and varies slightly for each population. 

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