Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Siberian Tiger

  Animal You | Siberian Tiger | The Siberian tiger is yellow or rusty red, with black stripes thin cross. The body length is not less than 150 cm (60 inches), the length of the skull condylobasal 250 mm (10 inches), zygomatic width 180 mm (7 inches) and the length of the upper carnassial tooth more than 26 mm (1 inch ) long. Generally, 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) longer than the Bengal tiger, which is about 107-110 cm (42-43 inches) tall. The measures taken by scientists Siberian Tiger Project in Sikhote-Alin range 178-208 cm (70 to 82) of the head and body length measured in a straight line, with an average of 195 cm (77 inches) males and females ranging from 167 to 182 cm (66-72 inches) with an average of 174 cm (69 inches). The tail is an average of 99 cm (39 inches) in males and 91 cm...
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Saturday, February 9, 2013


  Animal You | Scorpion | Scorpions are found on all major land masses except Antarctica. The greatest diversity of scorpions in the Northern Hemisphere is in the subtropics between the latitudes 23 ° N and 38 ° N. Be found in these latitudes, the diversity, the presence north of scorpions are the Scorpion Paruroctonus Boreas north to 50 ° N. Scorpions are now in almost all terrestrial habitats, including high altitude mountains, caves and intertidal zones, found with the exception of boreal ecosystems such as the tundra, high altitude taiga and the permanently snow-capped mountains different. Five colonies of scorpions (Euscorpius flavicaudis) established themselves in Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey in the UK. This scorpion species is small and completely harmless to humans. This...
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Friday, February 8, 2013


  Animal You | Impala | Impala are sexually dimorphic. Are 75 and 95 cm (30 and 37 inches) high. Average mass of 40-75 kg male Impala (88-170 pounds), while women weighing 30-50 kg (66-110 lbs). Women, known as sheep without horns. It has distinctive black and white stripes on the back and tail of black impala in very few places in Africa, is a very rare form causes a recessive gene, the color black in these animals. Impala have scent glands in the skin of the hind legs and sebaceous glands fall on your head. Impala is an ecotone 'live in open forests with little undergrowth and grassland with low average height "types. Impalas are adaptable forage. Usually in the grass and change with the seasons navigation. During the dry season, browse the leaves, buds, seeds and shrubs. Leopards,...
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Howler Monkey

  Animal You | Howler Monkey | Howler monkeys have a short snout and nose mostly rounded. Their noses are very enthusiastic, and Howler can feel their food (especially fruits and nuts) to 2 km. Like many New World monkeys have taken code. Unlike other New World monkeys, howler monkeys males and females have trichromatic vision color. This has evolved independently from other New World monkeys due to gene duplication. Howler are dimorphic species can also be dichromatic (ie, caraya Alouatta). The howler quadruped moving in the highest branches, usually choose a branch with at least two hands or one hand and the tail at any time. Howler monkeys mature adults often rely on the support line for the whole body, while the young do it more often. The majority of the species of howler...
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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Harbor Porpoise

  Animal You | Harbor Porpoise | Pigs are a bit smaller than other porpoises, about 67-85 cm (26-33 inches) long at birth, 6.4 to 10 kg. Fins, dorsal fin, caudal fin and a dark gray back. Party a little easier variegated gray. Pigs English word comes from the Old French (French pourpois porpais 12 cents). What porcopiscus medieval Latin, which is a compound porcus (pork) and piscus (fish). An old word, probably a loan translation of German words, Friday marsvin mereswijn Danish and Dutch (porpoises). Classical Latin had a similar name, porculus Marina, and the idea of the name, probably imaginary nose looks like pigs or pigs breathing sound that resembles a pig snoring. Taxonomic species RNosaepa rNosaepa name, the Greek form verlatijnste φώκαινα, phōkaina "Great Seal", as described...
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  Animal You | Groundhog | In areas with fewer natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with the members of the court, yet powerful curved claws and thick. Adapted to temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense layer and a layer of gray streaks in her that the groundhog its distinctive appearance "frozen" indicates. In captivity, groundhogs are reported to live 14.9 years. Common predators for groundhogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, lynxes, bears, large hawks and dogs. Marmotte young people are often at risk for predation by snakes, which easily enter the burrow. Mostly herbivorous, groundhogs primarily eat wild grasses and plants, including berries...
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Gray Whale

  Animal You | Gray Whale | The gray whale is traditionally defined as the only living beings in its genus and family. Recent DNA analysis shows some family Balaenopteridae Razorbacks as the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, and fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus stronger in gray whales whales as some others, such as minke whales are related. The common name of the whale comes from the color. The now extinct subfossil gray whales along the Atlantic coast of England and Sweden remains gray is used for the first scientific description of a kind only in Pacific waters to survive. Many other names are assigned to the gray whale, including desert whale, monkfish, gray back, mussel digger and pull the thread. The gray whale is a slate gray and dark was covered with gray-white patterns,...
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  Animal You | Gibbon | A unique aspect of the anatomy Gibbon is the pulse, there is a ball joint, biaxial movement. Gibbons hands and feet as long, with a deep cleft between the first and second digits of their hands. The dental formula, the siamang, which is the largest of the 17 species is trapped by two toes on each foot, distinguish, hence the generic name and species and Symphalangus syndactylus. Gibbons are social animals. Gibbons are masters of their primary mode of locomotion, brachiation, swinging from branch to branch to a distance of 15 m (50 ft), at speeds up to 55 km / h (34 mph). The Gibbons ball-and-socket joints allow them unmatched speed and accuracy by swinging through the trees. Sinologist Robert van Gulik the gibbons have been completed in central and southern...
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Giant Otter

  Animal You | Giant Otter | The giant otter has a handful of other names. Giant Otter" translates as giant otters and giant otters in Spanish and Portuguese, respectively, quarter or Ariranha ariraí name is also in use in South America. The giant otter is significantly different from other otters by morphological and behavioral characteristics. It is the maximum length of the body of all species of the family Mustelidae, otters, although heavier. The animal muscular tail can add another 70 cm (28 inches) of the total body length. Early reports skins and live animals exceptionally large males give to 2.4 m (7.9 ft); intensive hunting likely reduced the occurrence of such massive specimens. (57-71 pounds) and 22 kg for males and 26 pounds (49 and 57) for women The giant otter is the...
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


  Animal You | Gelada | While Theropithecus gelada is the only surviving species of the species are separated, the species known from the fossil T. brumpti, T. and T. Dart Sant'Osvaldo, earlier in Simopithecus sex. Theropithecus, while currently limited in Ethiopia, is also of fossils found in Africa and the Mediterranean in Asia, including South Africa, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain and known in India, specifically in Mirzapur, Cueva Victoria, Pirro Nord, Terni Fine , Hadar, Turkana, Makapansgat and Swartkrans. The Gelada is big and strong. it covered with bright yellow dark, coarse hair and a pale face with dark eyes. Adult males have a long, heavy coat of hair on his back. The Gelada has a flat face with...
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Fur Seal

  Animal You | Fur Seal | Until recently, sea lions were grouped under a subfamily called pinnipeds Arctocephalinae, to contrast with Sea Lion Wolves on the basis of the key attribute, namely the coat of dense fur mixed with hairs. Recent genetic data, however, suggests that Callorhinus is more closely related to some species of sea lions and fur seals / sealion subfamily distinction has disappeared from many taxonomies. However, all fur seals have certain features in common: the skin, smaller sizes generally move more and more power, smaller and more abundant prey and sexual dimorphism. Fur seals share with other seals may repent of their hind legs and go on all fours. Sea lions are generally smaller than sea lions less than 1 meter (3 feet 3 inches), the Galápagos_fur_seal is the...
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