Thursday, January 17, 2013

Snow Goose


Animal You | Snow Goose | The Snow Goose has two color plumage turns white (snow) or gray / blue (blue), for the general description of "snow" and "Blue". White-morph birds are white except for black wing tips, but blue morph geese have bluish-gray plumage replacing the white except on the head, neck and tail. Both snow and blue phases pink feet and legs red and pink bills with black anatomy ("hot"), giving them a black "grin patch White-and-blue birds morph partner and children be morph. These two colors of geese were once be as distinct species, and together they cross the whole area are now two color phases of the same species considered. The color phases are genetically controlled. Overlay size a little "caused to question the division is the smallest subspecies, the Lesser Snow Goose (C. c caerulescens.), Lives from central northern Canada to the Bering Strait region, the Lesser Snow Goose 25. The largest subspecies, the Greater Snow Goose (C. c . atlanticus), nests in northeastern Italy. Blue-morph birds are some of the snow geese and rarest among eastern populations of Asia Minor.

Snow geese often nest in colonies. Nesting usually begins in late May or early June, depending on snow conditions. The female chooses a nest and the nest built in an area of high ground. When snow geese and Ross geese breed together, as in La Perouse, sometimes hybridize and hybrids are fertile. Hybrid rarely observed with Big Goose, Canada Goose, goose and screaming. The breeding population of Lesser Snow Goose more than 5 million birds, an increase of more than 300 percent since mid-1970.  Nonbreeding geese (children or adults who do not nest successfully) are not included in this estimate, so the total number of geese is even higher. Lesser Snow Goose population rates are the highest values has ensured population data, and suggests that large populations previously unaffected parts of Snow Geese Hudson Bay coast career spanned late May to mid- August, but they leave their breeding areas and spend more than half the year on their migration to and from warmer wintering areas. During the spring migration, large flocks of snow geese fly very high along narrow corridors, more than 3000 miles of traditional wintering areas of the tundra.

The Snow Goose minor is traveling through the central route, through some of the richest farmland in America. The first transition was rice fields where geese feed on weeds and eat the grain can go through the combine. The geese had also begun to wheat fields sown in autumn to winter wheat in particular grazing. Many biologists, that the change of winter feeding has led to an oversupply of geese. Winter can be the time of year that sets the upper limit for the population of geese. Now, the abundance of snow geese Farm Grain waste produced with excellent food available and improved the survival of wintering geese. In winter, snow geese feed on leftover grain in the field. Snow geese often travel together and eat more fronted Geese, by contrast, tend to avoid traveling and feeding alongside two Canada geese are often heavier birds.

Nest predators highlights include arctic foxes and skuas. The eggs and young chicks are vulnerable to predators, but adults are generally safe. They were seen nesting near Snowy Owl nests, which is probably a solution looting. Few predators hunting snow geese regularly outside the breeding season, but Eagles Bald Eagles (and possibly gold) join wintering geese.
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